Reading time: 7 min
The Graph: Un protocolo descentralizado para indexar y consultar datos.
Consulta (Query): Consulta de datos. En el caso de The Graph, una consulta es una solicitud de datos de un subgrafo que será respondida por un Indexador.
GraphQL: Un lenguaje de consulta para APIs y un tiempo de ejecución para cumplir esas consultas con datos existentes. The Graph utiliza GraphQL para consultar subgrafos.
Endpoint: Una URL que se puede utilizar para consultar un subgrafo. El endpoint de prueba para Subgraph Studio es<ID>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>/<VERSION>
y el endpoint de Graph Explorer es<API_KEY>/subgraphs/id/<SUBGRAPH_ID>
. El endpoint de Graph Explorer se utiliza para consultar subgrafos en la red descentralizada de The Graph. -
Subgraph: An open API that extracts data from a blockchain, processes it, and stores it so that it can be easily queried via GraphQL. Developers can build, deploy, and publish subgraphs to The Graph Network. Once it is indexed, the subgraph can be queried by anyone.
Indexer: Network participants that run indexing nodes to index data from blockchains and serve GraphQL queries.
Flujos de ingresos de los indexadores (Indexer Revenue Streams): Los Indexadores son recompensados en GRT con dos componentes: reembolsos de tarifas de consulta y recompensas de indexación.
Reembolsos de Tarifas de Consultas (Query Fee Rebates): Pagos de los consumidores de subgrafos por servir consultas en la red.
Recompensas de Indexación (Indexing Rewards): Las recompensas que reciben los Indexadores por indexar subgrafos. Las recompensas de indexación se generan mediante una nueva emisión anual del 3% de GRT.
Indexer's Self-Stake: The amount of GRT that Indexers stake to participate in the decentralized network. The minimum is 100,000 GRT, and there is no upper limit.
Upgrade Indexer: An Indexer designed to act as a fallback for subgraph queries not serviced by other Indexers on the network. The upgrade Indexer is not competitive with other Indexers.
Delegator: Network participants who own GRT and delegate their GRT to Indexers. This allows Indexers to increase their stake in subgraphs on the network. In return, Delegators receive a portion of the Indexing Rewards that Indexers receive for processing subgraphs.
Impuesto a la Delegación (Delegation Tax): Una tasa del 0,5% que pagan los Delegadores cuando delegan GRT en los Indexadores. El GRT utilizado para pagar la tasa se quema.
Curator: Network participants that identify high-quality subgraphs, and signal GRT on them in exchange for curation shares. When Indexers claim query fees on a subgraph, 10% is distributed to the Curators of that subgraph. There is a positive correlation between the amount of GRT signaled and the number of Indexers indexing a subgraph.
Impuesto a la Curación (Curation Tax): Una tasa del 1% pagada por los Curadores cuando señalan GRT en los subgrafos. El GRT utilizado para pagar la tasa se quema.
Data Consumer: Any application or user that queries a subgraph.
Developer de subgrafos (Subgraph developer): Developer que construye y realiza el deploy de un subgrafo en la red descentralizada de The Graph.
Subgraph Manifest: A YAML file that describes the subgraph's GraphQL schema, data sources, and other metadata. is an example.
Epoch: A unit of time within the network. Currently, one epoch is 6,646 blocks or approximately 1 day.
Allocation: An Indexer can allocate their total GRT stake (including Delegators' stake) towards subgraphs that have been published on The Graph's decentralized network. Allocations can have different statuses:
Activa (Active): Una allocation se considera activa cuando se crea on-chain. Esto se llama abrir una allocation, e indica a la red que el Indexador está indexando activamente y sirviendo consultas para un subgrafo en particular. Las allocations activas acumulan recompensas de indexación proporcionales a la señal del subgrafo y a la cantidad de GRT asignada.
Closed: An Indexer may claim the accrued indexing rewards on a given subgraph by submitting a recent, and valid, Proof of Indexing (POI). This is known as closing an allocation. An allocation must have been open for a minimum of one epoch before it can be closed. The maximum allocation period is 28 epochs. If an Indexer leaves an allocation open beyond 28 epochs, it is known as a stale allocation. When an allocation is in the Closed state, a Fisherman can still open a dispute to challenge an Indexer for serving false data.
Subgraph Studio: Una potente aplicación para crear, deployar y publicar subgrafos.
Fishermen: A role within The Graph Network held by participants who monitor the accuracy and integrity of data served by Indexers. When a Fisherman identifies a query response or a POI they believe to be incorrect, they can initiate a dispute against the Indexer. If the dispute rules in favor of the Fisherman, the Indexer is slashed by losing 2.5% of their self-stake. Of this amount, 50% is awarded to the Fisherman as a bounty for their vigilance, and the remaining 50% is removed from circulation (burned). This mechanism is designed to encourage Fishermen to help maintain the reliability of the network by ensuring that Indexers are held accountable for the data they provide.
Arbitrators: Arbitrators are network participants appointed through a governance process. The role of the Arbitrator is to decide the outcome of indexing and query disputes. Their goal is to maximize the utility and reliability of The Graph Network.
Slashing: Indexers can have their self-staked GRT slashed for providing an incorrect POI or for serving inaccurate data. The slashing percentage is a protocol parameter currently set to 2.5% of an Indexer's self-stake. 50% of the slashed GRT goes to the Fisherman that disputed the inaccurate data or incorrect POI. The other 50% is burned.
Recompensas de Indexación (Indexing Rewards): Las recompensas que reciben los Indexadores por indexar subgrafos. Las recompensas de indexación se distribuyen en GRT.
Recompensas de Delegación (Delegation Rewards): Las recompensas que reciben los Delegadores por delegar GRT en los Indexadores. Las recompensas por delegación se distribuyen en GRT.
GRT: El token de utilidad de trabajo de The Graph. GRT ofrece incentivos económicos a los participantes en la red por contribuir a ella.
Proof of Indexing (POI): When an Indexer closes their allocation and wants to claim their accrued indexing rewards on a given subgraph, they must provide a valid and recent POI. Fishermen may dispute the POI provided by an Indexer. A dispute resolved in the Fisherman's favor will result in slashing of the Indexer.
Graph Node: Graph Node is the component that indexes subgraphs and makes the resulting data available to query via a GraphQL API. As such it is central to the Indexer stack, and correct operation of Graph Node is crucial to running a successful Indexer.
Indexer agent: The Indexer agent is part of the Indexer stack. It facilitates the Indexer's interactions on-chain, including registering on the network, managing subgraph deployments to its Graph Node(s), and managing allocations.
Cliente The Graph (The Graph Client): Una biblioteca para construir dapps basadas en GraphQL de forma descentralizada.
Explorador de Graph (Graph Explorer): Una aplicación diseñada para que los participantes en la red exploren subgrafos e interactúen con el protocolo.
Graph CLI: Una herramienta de interfaz de línea de comandos para construir y realizar deploys en The Graph.
Período de enfriamiento (Cooldown Period): El tiempo restante hasta que un Indexador que cambió sus parámetros de delegación pueda volver a hacerlo.
L2 Transfer Tools: Smart contracts and UI that enable network participants to transfer network related assets from Ethereum mainnet to Arbitrum One. Network participants can transfer delegated GRT, subgraphs, curation shares, and Indexer's self-stake.
Updating a subgraph: The process of releasing a new subgraph version with updates to the subgraph's manifest, schema, or mappings.
Migrating: The process of curation shares moving from an old version of a subgraph to a new version of a subgraph (e.g. when v0.0.1 is updated to v0.0.2).