The Graph Network > Overview

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The Graph Network is a decentralized indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data. Applications use GraphQL to query open APIs called subgraphs and retrieve data that is indexed on the network. With The Graph, developers can build serverless applications that run entirely on public infrastructure.


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The Graph Network consists of Indexers, Curators, and Delegators that provide services to the network and serve data to Web3 applications. Consumers use the applications and consume the data.

Économie des jetons

Pour garantir la sécurité économique du Graph Network et l'intégrité des données interrogées, les participants misent et utilisent des jetons Graph (GRT). GRT est un jeton utilitaire de travail qui est un ERC-20 utilisé pour allouer des ressources dans le réseau.

Active Indexers, Curators, and Delegators can provide services and earn income from the network, proportional to the amount of work they perform and their GRT stake.

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