subgraphs > Querying > Gestione delle chiavi API
Gestione delle chiavi API
Reading time: 2 min
API keys are needed to query subgraphs. They ensure that the connections between application services are valid and authorized, including authenticating the end user and the device using the application.
Go to and click the API Keys tab to create and manage your API keys for specific subgraphs.
The "API keys" table lists existing API keys and allows you to manage or delete them. For each key, you can see its status, the cost for the current period, the spending limit for the current period, and the total number of queries.
You can click the "three dots" menu to the right of a given API key to:
- Rename API key
- Regenerate API key
- Delete API key
- Manage spending limit: this is an optional monthly spending limit for a given API key, in USD. This limit is per billing period (calendar month).
You can click on an individual API key to view the Details page:
- Under the Overview section, you can:
- Modificare il nome della chiave
- Rigenerare le chiavi API
- Visualizza l'utilizzo attuale della chiave API con le statistiche:
- Numero di query
- Importo di GRT speso
- Under the Security section, you can opt into security settings depending on the level of control you’d like to have. Specifically, you can:
- Visualizzare e gestire i nomi di dominio autorizzati a utilizzare la chiave API
- Assegnare i subgraph che possono essere interrogati con la chiave API