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AssemblyScript API

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Note: if you created a subgraph prior to graph-cli/graph-ts version 0.22.0, you're using an older version of AssemblyScript, we recommend taking a look at the Migration Guide

На этой странице описаны встроенные API, которые можно использовать при написании мэппингов субграфов. По умолчанию доступны два вида API:

  • the Graph TypeScript library (graph-ts) and
  • code generated from subgraph files by graph codegen.

It is also possible to add other libraries as dependencies, as long as they are compatible with AssemblyScript. Since this is the language mappings are written in, the AssemblyScript wiki is a good source for language and standard library features.

Референс API

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The @graphprotocol/graph-ts library provides the following APIs:

  • An ethereum API for working with Ethereum smart contracts, events, blocks, transactions, and Ethereum values.
  • A store API to load and save entities from and to the Graph Node store.
  • A log API to log messages to the Graph Node output and Graph Explorer.
  • An ipfs API to load files from IPFS.
  • A json API to parse JSON data.
  • A crypto API to use cryptographic functions.
  • Низкоуровневые примитивы для перевода между системами различных типов, таких как Ethereum, JSON, GraphQL и AssemblyScript.

The apiVersion in the subgraph manifest specifies the mapping API version which is run by Graph Node for a given subgraph.

ВерсияПримечания к релизу
0.0.9Adds new host functions eth_get_balance & hasCode
0.0.8Adds validation for existence of fields in the schema when saving an entity.
0.0.7Added TransactionReceipt and Log classes to the Ethereum types
Added receipt field to the Ethereum Event object
0.0.6Added nonce field to the Ethereum Transaction object
Added baseFeePerGas to the Ethereum Block object
0.0.5AssemblyScript upgraded to version 0.19.10 (this includes breaking changes, please see the Migration Guide)
ethereum.transaction.gasUsed renamed to ethereum.transaction.gasLimit
0.0.4Added functionSignature field to the Ethereum SmartContractCall object
0.0.3Added from field to the Ethereum Call object renamed to
0.0.2Added input field to the Ethereum Transaction object

Встроенные типы

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Documentation on the base types built into AssemblyScript can be found in the AssemblyScript wiki.

The following additional types are provided by @graphprotocol/graph-ts.

import { ByteArray } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

ByteArray represents an array of u8.


  • fromI32(x: i32): ByteArray - Decomposes x into bytes.
  • fromHexString(hex: string): ByteArray - Input length must be even. Prefixing with 0x is optional.

Type conversions

  • toHexString(): string - Converts to a hex string prefixed with 0x.
  • toString(): string - Interprets the bytes as a UTF-8 string.
  • toBase58(): string - Encodes the bytes into a base58 string.
  • toU32(): u32 - Interprets the bytes as a little-endian u32. Throws in case of overflow.
  • toI32(): i32 - Interprets the byte array as a little-endian i32. Throws in case of overflow.


  • equals(y: ByteArray): bool – can be written as x == y.
  • concat(other: ByteArray) : ByteArray - return a new ByteArray consisting of this directly followed by other
  • concatI32(other: i32) : ByteArray - return a new ByteArray consisting of this directly followed by the byte representation of other
import { BigDecimal } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

BigDecimal is used to represent arbitrary precision decimals.

Note: Internally BigDecimal is stored in IEEE-754 decimal128 floating-point format, which supports 34 decimal digits of significand. This makes BigDecimal unsuitable for representing fixed-point types that can span wider than 34 digits, such as a Solidity ufixed256x18 or equivalent.


  • constructor(bigInt: BigInt) – creates a BigDecimal from an BigInt.
  • static fromString(s: string): BigDecimal – parses from a decimal string.

Type conversions

  • toString(): string – prints to a decimal string.


  • plus(y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal – can be written as x + y.
  • minus(y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal – can be written as x - y.
  • times(y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal – can be written as x * y.
  • div(y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal – can be written as x / y.
  • equals(y: BigDecimal): bool – can be written as x == y.
  • notEqual(y: BigDecimal): bool – can be written as x != y.
  • lt(y: BigDecimal): bool – can be written as x < y.
  • le(y: BigDecimal): bool – can be written as x <= y.
  • gt(y: BigDecimal): bool – can be written as x > y.
  • ge(y: BigDecimal): bool – can be written as x >= y.
  • neg(): BigDecimal - can be written as -x.
import { BigInt } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

BigInt is used to represent big integers. This includes Ethereum values of type uint32 to uint256 and int64 to int256. Everything below uint32, such as int32, uint24 or int8 is represented as i32.

The BigInt class has the following API:


  • BigInt.fromI32(x: i32): BigInt – creates a BigInt from an i32.

  • BigInt.fromString(s: string): BigInt– Parses a BigInt from a string.

  • BigInt.fromUnsignedBytes(x: Bytes): BigInt – Interprets bytes as an unsigned, little-endian integer. If your input is big-endian, call .reverse() first.

  • BigInt.fromSignedBytes(x: Bytes): BigInt – Interprets bytes as a signed, little-endian integer. If your input is big-endian, call .reverse() first.

    Type conversions

  • x.toHex(): string – turns BigInt into a string of hexadecimal characters.

  • x.toString(): string – turns BigInt into a decimal number string.

  • x.toI32(): i32 – returns the BigInt as an i32; fails if the value does not fit into i32. It's a good idea to first check x.isI32().

  • x.toBigDecimal(): BigDecimal - converts into a decimal with no fractional part.


  • BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x + y.
  • x.minus(y: BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x - y.
  • x.times(y: BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x * y.
  • x.div(y: BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x / y.
  • x.mod(y: BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x % y.
  • x.equals(y: BigInt): bool – can be written as x == y.
  • x.notEqual(y: BigInt): bool – can be written as x != y.
  • BigInt): bool – can be written as x < y.
  • x.le(y: BigInt): bool – can be written as x <= y.
  • BigInt): bool – can be written as x > y.
  • BigInt): bool – can be written as x >= y.
  • x.neg(): BigInt – can be written as -x.
  • x.divDecimal(y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal – divides by a decimal, giving a decimal result.
  • x.isZero(): bool – Convenience for checking if the number is zero.
  • x.isI32(): bool – Check if the number fits in an i32.
  • x.abs(): BigInt – Absolute value.
  • x.pow(exp: u8): BigInt – Exponentiation.
  • bitOr(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x | y.
  • bitAnd(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt – can be written as x & y.
  • leftShift(x: BigInt, bits: u8): BigInt – can be written as x << y.
  • rightShift(x: BigInt, bits: u8): BigInt – can be written as x >> y.
import { TypedMap } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

TypedMap can be used to store key-value pairs. See this example.

The TypedMap class has the following API:

  • new TypedMap<K, V>() – creates an empty map with keys of type K and values of type V
  • map.set(key: K, value: V): void – sets the value of key to value
  • map.getEntry(key: K): TypedMapEntry<K, V> | null – returns the key-value pair for a key or null if the key does not exist in the map
  • map.get(key: K): V | null – returns the value for a key or null if the key does not exist in the map
  • map.isSet(key: K): bool – returns true if the key exists in the map and false if it does not
import { Bytes } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

Bytes is used to represent arbitrary-length arrays of bytes. This includes Ethereum values of type bytes, bytes32, etc.

The Bytes class extends AssemblyScript's Uint8Array and this supports all the Uint8Array functionality, plus the following new methods:


  • fromHexString(hex: string) : Bytes - Convert the string hex which must consist of an even number of hexadecimal digits to a ByteArray. The string hex can optionally start with 0x
  • fromI32(i: i32) : Bytes - Convert i to an array of bytes

Type conversions

  • b.toHex() – returns a hexadecimal string representing the bytes in the array
  • b.toString() – converts the bytes in the array to a string of unicode characters
  • b.toBase58() – turns an Ethereum Bytes value to base58 encoding (used for IPFS hashes)


  • b.concat(other: Bytes) : Bytes - - return new Bytes consisting of this directly followed by other
  • b.concatI32(other: i32) : ByteArray - return new Bytes consisting of this directly follow by the byte representation of other
import { Address } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

Address extends Bytes to represent Ethereum address values.

It adds the following method on top of the Bytes API:

  • Address.fromString(s: string): Address – creates an Address from a hexadecimal string
  • Address.fromBytes(b: Bytes): Address – create an Address from b which must be exactly 20 bytes long. Passing in a value with fewer or more bytes will result in an error
import { store } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

The store API allows to load, save and remove entities from and to the Graph Node store.

Entities written to the store map one-to-one to the @entity types defined in the subgraph's GraphQL schema. To make working with these entities convenient, the graph codegen command provided by the Graph CLI generates entity classes, which are subclasses of the built-in Entity type, with property getters and setters for the fields in the schema as well as methods to load and save these entities.

Создание объектов

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Ниже приведен общий шаблон для создания объектов из событий Ethereum.

// Импорт класса событий Transfer, сгенерированного из ERC20 ABI
import { Transfer as TransferEvent } from '../generated/ERC20/ERC20'
// Импорт типа объекта Transfer, сгенерированного из схемы GraphQL
import { Transfer } from '../generated/schema'
// Обработчик события передачи
экспортирует функцию handleTransfer(event: TransferEvent): void {
// Создание объекта Transfer, с использованием хеша транзакции в качестве идентификатора объекта
let id = event.transaction.hash
let transfer = new Transfer(id)
// Установка свойства объекта, с использованием параметров события
transfer.from = event.params.from =
transfer.amount = event.params.amount
// Сохранение объекта в хранилище

When a Transfer event is encountered while processing the chain, it is passed to the handleTransfer event handler using the generated Transfer type (aliased to TransferEvent here to avoid a naming conflict with the entity type). This type allows accessing data such as the event's parent transaction and its parameters.

Каждый объект должен иметь уникальный идентификатор, чтобы избежать коллизий с другими объектами. Довольно часто параметры события включают уникальный идентификатор, который может быть использован. Примечание: Использование хэша транзакции в качестве идентификатора предполагает, что никакие другие события в той же транзакции не создают объекты с этим хэшем в качестве идентификатора.

Загрузка объектов из хранилища

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Если объект уже существует, его можно загрузить из хранилища следующим образом:

let id = event.transaction.hash // или некоторым образом создается идентификатор
let transfer = Transfer.load(id)
if (transfer == null) {
transfer = new Transfer(id)
// Используйте объект Transfer, как и раньше

As the entity may not exist in the store yet, the load method returns a value of type Transfer | null. It may thus be necessary to check for the null case before using the value.

Note: Loading entities is only necessary if the changes made in the mapping depend on the previous data of an entity. See the next section for the two ways of updating existing entities.

Поиск объектов, созданных внутри блока

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As of graph-node v0.31.0, @graphprotocol/graph-ts v0.30.0 and @graphprotocol/graph-cli v0.49.0 the loadInBlock method is available on all entity types.

Хранилище API облегчает поиск объектов, которые были созданы или обновлены в текущем блоке. Типичная ситуация для этого заключается в том, что один обработчик создает транзакцию из некоторого события в чейне, а более поздний обработчик хочет получить доступ к этой транзакции, если она существует. В случае, когда транзакция не была осуществлена, субграфу придется обратиться к базе данных только для того, чтобы узнать, что объект не существует; если же автор субграфа знает, что объект, должен был быть создан в том же блоке, использование loadInBlock позволит избежать этого обхода базы данных. Для некоторых субграфов эти пропущенные запросы могут значительно увеличить время индексации.

let id = event.transaction.hash // или некоторым образом создается идентификатор
let transfer = Transfer.loadInBlock(id)
if (transfer == null) {
transfer = new Transfer(id)
// Используйте объект Transfer, как и раньше

Note: If there is no entity created in the given block, loadInBlock will return null even if there is an entity with the given ID in the store.

Поиск производных объектов

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As of graph-node v0.31.0, @graphprotocol/graph-ts v0.31.0 and @graphprotocol/graph-cli v0.51.0 the loadRelated method is available.

Это позволяет загружать поля производных объектов из обработчика событий. Например, учитывая следующую схему:

type Token @entity {
id: ID!
holder: Holder!
color: String
type Holder @entity {
id: ID!
tokens: [Token!]! @derivedFrom(field: "holder")

The following code will load the Token entity that the Holder entity was derived from:

let holder = Holder.load('test-id')
// Загрузите объекты токена, связанные с данным держателем
let tokens = holder.tokens.load()

Обновление существующих объектов

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Существует два способа обновить существующий объект:

  1. Load the entity with e.g. Transfer.load(id), set properties on the entity, then .save() it back to the store.
  2. Simply create the entity with e.g. new Transfer(id), set properties on the entity, then .save() it to the store. If the entity already exists, the changes are merged into it.

Изменение свойств в большинстве случаев не вызывает затруднений благодаря сгенерированным установщикам свойств:

let transfer = new Transfer(id)
transfer.from = ... = ...
transfer.amount = ...

Также можно сбросить свойства с помощью одной из следующих двух инструкций:

transfer.from = null

This only works with optional properties, i.e. properties that are declared without a ! in GraphQL. Two examples would be owner: Bytes or amount: BigInt.

Updating array properties is a little more involved, as the getting an array from an entity creates a copy of that array. This means array properties have to be set again explicitly after changing the array. The following assumes entity has a numbers: [BigInt!]! field.

// Это не сработает
// Это сработает
let numbers = entity.numbers
entity.numbers = numbers

Удаление объектов из хранилища

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There is currently no way to remove an entity via the generated types. Instead, removing an entity requires passing the name of the entity type and the entity ID to store.remove:

import { store } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
let id = event.transaction.hash
store.remove('Transfer', id)

Ethereum API предоставляет доступ к смарт-контрактам, общедоступным переменным состояния, функциям контрактов, событиям, транзакциям, блокам и кодированию/декодированию данных Ethereum.

Поддержка типов Ethereum

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As with entities, graph codegen generates classes for all smart contracts and events used in a subgraph. For this, the contract ABIs need to be part of the data source in the subgraph manifest. Typically, the ABI files are stored in an abis/ folder.

With the generated classes, conversions between Ethereum types and the built-in types take place behind the scenes so that subgraph authors do not have to worry about them.

Следующий пример иллюстрирует это. С учётом схемы субграфа, такой как

type Transfer @entity {
id: Bytes!
from: Bytes!
to: Bytes!
amount: BigInt!

and a Transfer(address,address,uint256) event signature on Ethereum, the from, to and amount values of type address, address and uint256 are converted to Address and BigInt, allowing them to be passed on to the Bytes! and BigInt! properties of the Transfer entity:

let id = event.transaction.hash
let transfer = new Transfer(id)
transfer.from = event.params.from =
transfer.amount = event.params.amount

События и данные о блоках/транзакциях

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Ethereum events passed to event handlers, such as the Transfer event in the previous examples, not only provide access to the event parameters but also to their parent transaction and the block they are part of. The following data can be obtained from event instances (these classes are a part of the ethereum module in graph-ts):

class Event {
address: Address
logIndex: BigInt
transactionLogIndex: BigInt
logType: string | null
block: Block
transaction: Transaction
parameters: Array<EventParam>
receipt: TransactionReceipt | null
class Block {
hash: Bytes
parentHash: Bytes
unclesHash: Bytes
author: Address
stateRoot: Bytes
transactionsRoot: Bytes
receiptsRoot: Bytes
number: BigInt
gasUsed: BigInt
gasLimit: BigInt
timestamp: BigInt
difficulty: BigInt
totalDifficulty: BigInt
size: BigInt | null
baseFeePerGas: BigInt | null
class Transaction {
hash: Bytes
index: BigInt
from: Address
to: Address | null
value: BigInt
gasLimit: BigInt
gasPrice: BigInt
input: Bytes
nonce: BigInt
class TransactionReceipt {
transactionHash: Bytes
transactionIndex: BigInt
blockHash: Bytes
blockNumber: BigInt
cumulativeGasUsed: BigInt
gasUsed: BigInt
contractAddress: Address
logs: Array<Log>
status: BigInt
root: Bytes
logsBloom: Bytes
class Log {
address: Address
topics: Array<Bytes>
data: Bytes
blockHash: Bytes
blockNumber: Bytes
transactionHash: Bytes
transactionIndex: BigInt
logIndex: BigInt
transactionLogIndex: BigInt
logType: string
removed: bool | null

Доступ к состоянию смарт-контракта

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The code generated by graph codegen also includes classes for the smart contracts used in the subgraph. These can be used to access public state variables and call functions of the contract at the current block.

Распространенным шаблоном является доступ к контракту, из которого исходит событие. Это достигается с помощью следующего кода:

// Импорт сгенерированного класса контракта и сгенерированного класса события Transfer
import { ERC20Contract, Transfer as TransferEvent } from '../generated/ERC20Contract/ERC20Contract'
// Импорт созданного класса объекта
import { Transfer } from '../generated/schema'
export function handleTransfer(event: TransferEvent) {
// Привязка контракта к адресу, сгенерировавшему событие
let contract = ERC20Contract.bind(event.address)
// Доступ к переменным состояния и функциям путем их вызова
пусть erc20Symbol = контракт.символ()

Transfer is aliased to TransferEvent here to avoid a naming conflict with the entity type

As long as the ERC20Contract on Ethereum has a public read-only function called symbol, it can be called with .symbol(). For public state variables a method with the same name is created automatically.

Любой другой контракт, который является частью субграфа, может быть импортирован из сгенерированного кода и привязан к действительному адресу.

Обработка возвращенных вызовов

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If the read-only methods of your contract may revert, then you should handle that by calling the generated contract method prefixed with try_. For example, the Gravity contract exposes the gravatarToOwner method. This code would be able to handle a revert in that method:

let gravity = Gravity.bind(event.address)
let callResult = gravity.try_gravatarToOwner(gravatar)
if (callResult.reverted) {'getGravatar reverted', [])
} else {
let owner = callResult.value

Обратите внимание, что Graph Node, подключенная к клиенту Geth или Infura, может обнаруживать не все откаты. Если Вы полагаетесь на это, мы рекомендуем использовать Graph Node, подключенную к клиенту Parity.

Кодирование/декодирование ABI

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Data can be encoded and decoded according to Ethereum's ABI encoding format using the encode and decode functions in the ethereum module.

import { Address, BigInt, ethereum } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
let tupleArray: Array<ethereum.Value> = [
let tuple = tupleArray as ethereum.Tuple
let encoded = ethereum.encode(ethereum.Value.fromTuple(tuple))!
let decoded = ethereum.decode('(address,uint256)', encoded)

Для получения дополнительной информации:

The native token balance of an address can be retrieved using the ethereum module. This feature is available from apiVersion: 0.0.9 which is defined subgraph.yaml. The getBalance() retrieves the balance of the specified address as of the end of the block in which the event is triggered.

import { ethereum } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
let address = Address.fromString('0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045')
let balance = ethereum.getBalance(address) // returns balance in BigInt

Check if an Address is a Contract or EOA

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To check whether an address is a smart contract address or an externally owned address (EOA), use the hasCode() function from the ethereum module which will return boolean. This feature is available from apiVersion: 0.0.9 which is defined subgraph.yaml.

import { ethereum } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
let contractAddr = Address.fromString('0x2E645469f354BB4F5c8a05B3b30A929361cf77eC')
let isContract = ethereum.hasCode(contractAddr).inner // returns true
let eoa = Address.fromString('0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045')
let isContract = ethereum.hasCode(eoa).inner // returns false

Регистрация API

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import { log } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

The log API allows subgraphs to log information to the Graph Node standard output as well as Graph Explorer. Messages can be logged using different log levels. A basic format string syntax is provided to compose log messages from argument.

The log API includes the following functions:

  • log.debug(fmt: string, args: Array<string>): void - logs a debug message.
  • string, args: Array<string>): void - logs an informational message.
  • log.warning(fmt: string, args: Array<string>): void - logs a warning.
  • log.error(fmt: string, args: Array<string>): void - logs an error message.
  • log.critical(fmt: string, args: Array<string>): void – logs a critical message and terminates the subgraph.

The log API takes a format string and an array of string values. It then replaces placeholders with the string values from the array. The first {} placeholder gets replaced by the first value in the array, the second {} placeholder gets replaced by the second value and so on.'Message to be displayed: {}, {}, {}', [value.toString(), anotherValue.toString(), 'already a string'])

Регистрация одного или нескольких значений

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Регистрация одного значения
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In the example below, the string value "A" is passed into an array to become['A'] before being logged:

let myValue = 'A'
export function handleSomeEvent(event: SomeEvent): void {
// Отображает: "My value is: A"'My value is: {}', [myValue])
Регистрация одной записи из существующего массива
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В приведенном ниже примере регистрируется только первое значение массива аргументов, несмотря на то, что массив содержит три значения.

let myArray = ['A', 'B', 'C']
export function handleSomeEvent(event: SomeEvent): void {
// Отображает : "My value is: A" (Несмотря на то, что в `` передаются три значения)'My value is: {}', myArray)

Регистрация нескольких записей из существующего массива

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Each entry in the arguments array requires its own placeholder {} in the log message string. The below example contains three placeholders {} in the log message. Because of this, all three values in myArray are logged.

let myArray = ['A', 'B', 'C']
export function handleSomeEvent(event: SomeEvent): void {
// Отображает : "My first value is: A, second value is: B, third value is: C"'My first value is: {}, second value is: {}, third value is: {}', myArray)
Регистрация конкретной записи из существующего массива
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Чтобы отобразить определенное значение в массиве, необходимо указать индексированное значение.

export function handleSomeEvent(event: SomeEvent): void {
// Отображает : "My third value is C"'My third value is: {}', [myArray[2]])
Регистрация информации о событии
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В приведенном ниже примере регистрируется номер блока, хэш блока и хэш транзакции из события:

import { log } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
export function handleSomeEvent(event: SomeEvent): void {
log.debug('Block number: {}, block hash: {}, transaction hash: {}', [
event.block.number.toString(), // "47596000"
event.block.hash.toHexString(), // "0x..."
event.transaction.hash.toHexString(), // "0x..."
import { ipfs } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

Smart contracts occasionally anchor IPFS files on chain. This allows mappings to obtain the IPFS hashes from the contract and read the corresponding files from IPFS. The file data will be returned as Bytes, which usually requires further processing, e.g. with the json API documented later on this page.

При наличии хеша или пути IPFS чтение файла из IPFS выполняется следующим образом:

// Поместите это в обработчик события в мэппинге
let hash = 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D'
let data =
// Пути, подобные `QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D/Makefile`,
// которые включают файлы в директориях, также поддерживаются
let path = 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D/Makefile'
let data =

Note: is not deterministic at the moment. If the file cannot be retrieved over the IPFS network before the request times out, it will return null. Due to this, it's always worth checking the result for null.

It is also possible to process larger files in a streaming fashion with The function expects the hash or path for an IPFS file, the name of a callback, and flags to modify its behavior:

import { JSONValue, Value } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
export function processItem(value: JSONValue, userData: Value): void {
// Смотрите документацию по JsonValue для получения подробной информации о работе
// со значениями JSON
let obj = value.toObject()
let id = obj.get('id')
let title = obj.get('title')
if (!id || !title) {
// Обратные вызовы также могут создавать объекты
let newItem = new Item(id)
newItem.title = title.toString()
newitem.parent = userData.toString() // Установите для родителя значение "parentId"
// Поместите это внутри обработчика событий в мэппинге'Qm...', 'processItem', Value.fromString('parentId'), ['json'])
// В качестве альтернативы, используйте `ipfs.mapJSON`
ipfs.mapJSON('Qm...', 'processItem', Value.fromString('parentId'))

The only flag currently supported is json, which must be passed to With the json flag, the IPFS file must consist of a series of JSON values, one value per line. The call to will read each line in the file, deserialize it into a JSONValue and call the callback for each of them. The callback can then use entity operations to store data from the JSONValue. Entity changes are stored only when the handler that called finishes successfully; in the meantime, they are kept in memory, and the size of the file that can process is therefore limited.

On success, returns void. If any invocation of the callback causes an error, the handler that invoked is aborted, and the subgraph is marked as failed.

import { crypto } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

The crypto API makes a cryptographic functions available for use in mappings. Right now, there is only one:

  • crypto.keccak256(input: ByteArray): ByteArray
import { json, JSONValueKind } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'

JSON data can be parsed using the json API:

  • json.fromBytes(data: Bytes): JSONValue – parses JSON data from a Bytes array interpreted as a valid UTF-8 sequence
  • json.try_fromBytes(data: Bytes): Result<JSONValue, boolean> – safe version of json.fromBytes, it returns an error variant if the parsing failed
  • json.fromString(data: string): JSONValue – parses JSON data from a valid UTF-8 String
  • json.try_fromString(data: string): Result<JSONValue, boolean> – safe version of json.fromString, it returns an error variant if the parsing failed

The JSONValue class provides a way to pull values out of an arbitrary JSON document. Since JSON values can be booleans, numbers, arrays and more, JSONValue comes with a kind property to check the type of a value:

let value = json.fromBytes(...)
if (value.kind == JSONValueKind.BOOL) {

In addition, there is a method to check if the value is null:

  • value.isNull(): boolean

When the type of a value is certain, it can be converted to a built-in type using one of the following methods:

  • value.toBool(): boolean
  • value.toI64(): i64
  • value.toF64(): f64
  • value.toBigInt(): BigInt
  • value.toString(): string
  • value.toArray(): Array<JSONValue> - (and then convert JSONValue with one of the 5 methods above)

Справка по преобразованию типов

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Source(s)DestinationConversion function
BigIntString (hexadecimal)s.toHexString() или s.toHex()
BigIntString (unicode)s.toString()
Bytes (signed)BigIntBigInt.fromSignedBytes(s)
Bytes (unsigned)BigIntBigInt.fromUnsignedBytes(s)
BytesString (hexadecimal)s.toHexString() или s.toHex()
BytesString (unicode)s.toString()
BytesString (base58)s.toBase58()
int64 - int256BigIntnone
uint32 - uint256BigIntnone
String (hexadecimal)BytesByteArray.fromHexString(s)
String (UTF-8)BytesByteArray.fromUTF8(s)

Метаданные источника данных

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You can inspect the contract address, network and context of the data source that invoked the handler through the dataSource namespace:

  • dataSource.address(): Address
  • string
  • dataSource.context(): DataSourceContext

Объект и DataSourceContext

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The base Entity class and the child DataSourceContext class have helpers to dynamically set and get fields:

  • setString(key: string, value: string): void
  • setI32(key: string, value: i32): void
  • setBigInt(key: string, value: BigInt): void
  • setBytes(key: string, value: Bytes): void
  • setBoolean(key: string, value: bool): void
  • setBigDecimal(key, value: BigDecimal): void
  • getString(key: string): string
  • getI32(key: string): i32
  • getBigInt(key: string): BigInt
  • getBytes(key: string): Bytes
  • getBoolean(key: string): boolean
  • getBigDecimal(key: string): BigDecimal

DataSourceContext in Manifest

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The context section within dataSources allows you to define key-value pairs that are accessible within your subgraph mappings. The available types are Bool, String, Int, Int8, BigDecimal, Bytes, List, and BigInt.

Here is a YAML example illustrating the usage of various types in the context section:

- kind: ethereum/contract
name: ContractName
network: mainnet
type: Bool
data: true
type: String
data: 'hello'
type: Int
data: 42
type: Int8
data: 127
type: BigDecimal
data: '10.99'
type: Bytes
data: '0x68656c6c6f'
type: List
- type: Int
data: 1
- type: Int
data: 2
- type: Int
data: 3
type: BigInt
data: '1000000000000000000000000'
  • Bool: Specifies a Boolean value (true or false).
  • String: Specifies a String value.
  • Int: Specifies a 32-bit integer.
  • Int8: Specifies an 8-bit integer.
  • BigDecimal: Specifies a decimal number. Must be quoted.
  • Bytes: Specifies a hexadecimal string.
  • List: Specifies a list of items. Each item needs to specify its type and data.
  • BigInt: Specifies a large integer value. Must be quoted due to its large size.

This context is then accessible in your subgraph mapping files, enabling more dynamic and configurable subgraphs.

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