15 minutes
Advanced Subgraph Features
Add and implement advanced subgraph features to enhanced your subgraph’s built.
Starting from specVersion
, subgraph features must be explicitly declared in the features
section at the top level of the manifest file, using their camelCase
name, as listed in the table below:
Feature | Name |
Non-fatal errors | nonFatalErrors |
Full-text Search | fullTextSearch |
Grafting | grafting |
For instance, if a subgraph uses the Full-Text Search and the Non-fatal Errors features, the features
field in the manifest should be:
specVersion: 0.0.4description: Gravatar for Ethereumfeatures: - fullTextSearch - nonFatalErrorsdataSources: ...
Note that using a feature without declaring it will incur a validation error during subgraph deployment, but no errors will occur if a feature is declared but not used.
Timeseries and Aggregations
- Subgraph specVersion must be ≥1.1.0.
Timeseries and aggregations enable your subgraph to track statistics like daily average price, hourly total transfers, and more.
This feature introduces two new types of subgraph entity. Timeseries entities record data points with timestamps. Aggregation entities perform pre-declared calculations on the timeseries data points on an hourly or daily basis, then store the results for easy access via GraphQL.
Example Schema
type Data @entity(timeseries: true) { id: Int8! timestamp: Timestamp! price: BigDecimal!}type Stats @aggregation(intervals: ["hour", "day"], source: "Data") { id: Int8! timestamp: Timestamp! sum: BigDecimal! @aggregate(fn: "sum", arg: "price")}
How to Define Timeseries and Aggregations
Timeseries entities are defined with @entity(timeseries: true)
in the GraphQL schema. Every timeseries entity must:
- have a unique ID of the int8 type
- have a timestamp of the Timestamp type
- include data that will be used for calculation by aggregation entities.
These Timeseries entities can be saved in regular trigger handlers, and act as the “raw data” for the aggregation entities.
Aggregation entities are defined with @aggregation
in the GraphQL schema. Every aggregation entity defines the source from which it will gather data (which must be a timeseries entity), sets the intervals (e.g., hour, day), and specifies the aggregation function it will use (e.g., sum, count, min, max, first, last).
Aggregation entities are automatically calculated on the basis of the specified source at the end of the required interval.
Available Aggregation Intervals
: sets the timeseries period every hour, on the hour.day
: sets the timeseries period every day, starting and ending at 00:00.
Available Aggregation Functions
: Total of all values.count
: Number of values.min
: Minimum value.max
: Maximum value.first
: First value in the period.last
: Last value in the period.
Example Aggregations Query
{ stats(interval: "hour", where: { timestamp_gt: 1704085200 }) { id timestamp sum }}
Read more about Timeseries and Aggregations.
Icke dödliga fel
Indexeringsfel på redan synkroniserade delgrafer kommer, som standard, att få delgrafen att misslyckas och sluta synkronisera. Delgrafer kan istället konfigureras för att fortsätta synkroniseringen i närvaro av fel, genom att ignorera ändringarna som orsakades av hanteraren som provocerade felet. Det ger delgrafsförfattare tid att korrigera sina delgrafer medan förfrågningar fortsätter att behandlas mot det senaste blocket, även om resultaten kan vara inkonsekventa på grund av felet som orsakade felet. Observera att vissa fel alltid är dödliga. För att vara icke-dödliga måste felet vara känt för att vara deterministiskt.
Note: The Graph Network does not yet support non-fatal errors, and developers should not deploy subgraphs using that functionality to the network via the Studio.
Aktivering av icke-dödliga fel kräver att följande funktionsflagga sätts i delgrafens manifest:
specVersion: 0.0.4description: Gravatar for Ethereumfeatures: - nonFatalErrors ...
The query must also opt-in to querying data with potential inconsistencies through the subgraphError
argument. It is also recommended to query _meta
to check if the subgraph has skipped over errors, as in the example:
foos(first: 100, subgraphError: allow) { id}_meta { hasIndexingErrors}
If the subgraph encounters an error, that query will return both the data and a graphql error with the message "indexing_error"
, as in this example response:
"data": { "foos": [ { "id": "0xdead" } ], "_meta": { "hasIndexingErrors": true }},"errors": [ { "message": "indexing_error" }]
IPFS/Arweave File Data Sources
Filbaserade datakällor är en ny delgrafsfunktion för att få tillgång till data utanför kedjan under indexering på ett robust, utökat sätt. Filbaserade datakällor stödjer hämtning av filer från IPFS och från Arweave.
Detta lägger också grunden för deterministisk indexering av data utanför kedjan, samt möjligheten att introducera godtycklig data som hämtas via HTTP.
Rather than fetching files “in line” during handler execution, this introduces templates which can be spawned as new data sources for a given file identifier. These new data sources fetch the files, retrying if they are unsuccessful, running a dedicated handler when the file is found.
This is similar to the existing data source templates, which are used to dynamically create new chain-based data sources.
This replaces the existing ipfs.cat
Update graph-ts
and graph-cli
File data sources requires graph-ts >=0.29.0 and graph-cli >=0.33.1
Lägg till en ny entitetstyp som kommer att uppdateras när filer hittas
Filbaserade datakällor kan inte komma åt eller uppdatera kedjebaserade entiteter, utan måste uppdatera filspecifika entiteter.
Detta kan innebära att fält från befintliga entiteter separeras i separata entiteter som är kopplade ihop.
Ursprunglig kombinerad entitet:
type Token @entity { id: ID! tokenID: BigInt! tokenURI: String! externalURL: String! ipfsURI: String! image: String! name: String! description: String! type: String! updatedAtTimestamp: BigInt owner: User!}
Ny, delad enhet:
type Token @entity { id: ID! tokenID: BigInt! tokenURI: String! ipfsURI: TokenMetadata updatedAtTimestamp: BigInt owner: String!}type TokenMetadata @entity { id: ID! image: String! externalURL: String! name: String! description: String!}
Om relationen är 1:1 mellan föräldraentiteten och den resulterande filbaserade datakälla entiteten är det enklaste mönstret att länka föräldraentiteten till en resulterande filbaserad entitet genom att använda IPFS CID som söknyckel. Kontakta oss på Discord om du har svårt att modellera dina nya filbaserade entiteter!
You can use nested filters to filter parent entities on the basis of these nested entities.
Add a new templated data source with kind: file/ipfs
or kind: file/arweave
Detta är datakällan som skapas när en intressant fil identifieras.
templates: - name: TokenMetadata kind: file/ipfs mapping: apiVersion: 0.0.7 language: wasm/assemblyscript file: ./src/mapping.ts handler: handleMetadata entities: - TokenMetadata abis: - name: Token file: ./abis/Token.json
Currently abis
are required, though it is not possible to call contracts from within file data sources
The file data source must specifically mention all the entity types which it will interact with under entities
. See limitations for more details.
Skapa en ny hanterare för att bearbeta filer
This handler should accept one Bytes
parameter, which will be the contents of the file, when it is found, which can then be processed. This will often be a JSON file, which can be processed with graph-ts
helpers (documentation).
The CID of the file as a readable string can be accessed via the dataSource
as follows:
const cid = dataSource.stringParam()
Exempel på hanterare:
import { json, Bytes, dataSource } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'import { TokenMetadata } from '../generated/schema'export function handleMetadata(content: Bytes): void { let tokenMetadata = new TokenMetadata(dataSource.stringParam()) const value = json.fromBytes(content).toObject() if (value) { const image = value.get('image') const name = value.get('name') const description = value.get('description') const externalURL = value.get('external_url') if (name && image && description && externalURL) { tokenMetadata.name = name.toString() tokenMetadata.image = image.toString() tokenMetadata.externalURL = externalURL.toString() tokenMetadata.description = description.toString() } tokenMetadata.save() }}
Skapa filbaserade datakällor vid behov
Nu kan du skapa filbaserade datakällor under utförandet av kedjebaserade hanterare:
- Import the template from the auto-generated
- call
TemplateName.create(cid: string)
from within a mapping, where the cid is a valid content identifier for IPFS or Arweave
For IPFS, Graph Node supports v0 and v1 content identifiers, and content identifiers with directories (e.g. bafyreighykzv2we26wfrbzkcdw37sbrby4upq7ae3aqobbq7i4er3tnxci/metadata.json
For Arweave, as of version 0.33.0 Graph Node can fetch files stored on Arweave based on their transaction ID from an Arweave gateway (example file). Arweave supports transactions uploaded via Irys (previously Bundlr), and Graph Node can also fetch files based on Irys manifests.
import { TokenMetadata as TokenMetadataTemplate } from '../generated/templates'const ipfshash = 'QmaXzZhcYnsisuue5WRdQDH6FDvqkLQX1NckLqBYeYYEfm'//Denna exempelkod är för en undergraf för kryptosamverkan. Ovanstående ipfs-hash är en katalog med tokenmetadata för alla kryptosamverkande NFT:er.export function handleTransfer(event: TransferEvent): void { let token = Token.load(event.params.tokenId.toString()) if (!token) { token = new Token(event.params.tokenId.toString()) token.tokenID = event.params.tokenId token.tokenURI = '/' + event.params.tokenId.toString() + '.json' const tokenIpfsHash = ipfshash + token.tokenURI //Detta skapar en sökväg till metadata för en enskild Crypto coven NFT. Den konkaterar katalogen med "/" + filnamn + ".json" token.ipfsURI = tokenIpfsHash TokenMetadataTemplate.create(tokenIpfsHash) } token.updatedAtTimestamp = event.block.timestamp token.owner = event.params.to.toHexString() token.save()}
Detta kommer att skapa en ny filbaserad datakälla som kommer att övervaka Graph Nodes konfigurerade IPFS- eller Arweave-slutpunkt och försöka igen om den inte hittas. När filen hittas kommer filbaserad datakälla hanteraren att köras.
This example is using the CID as the lookup between the parent Token
entity and the resulting TokenMetadata
Previously, this is the point at which a subgraph developer would have called ipfs.cat(CID)
to fetch the file
Grattis, du använder filbaserade datakällor!
Distribuera dina delgrafer
You can now build
and deploy
your subgraph to any Graph Node >=v0.30.0-rc.0.
Filbaserade datakällahanterare och entiteter är isolerade från andra delgrafentiteter, vilket säkerställer att de är deterministiska när de körs och att ingen förorening av kedjebaserade datakällor sker. För att vara specifik:
- Entiteter skapade av Filbaserade datakällor är oföränderliga och kan inte uppdateras
- Filbaserade datakällahanterare kan inte komma åt entiteter från andra filbaserade datakällor
- Entiteter associerade med filbaserade datakällor kan inte nås av kedjebaserade hanterare
Även om denna begränsning inte bör vara problematisk för de flesta användningsfall kan den införa komplexitet för vissa. Var god kontakta oss via Discord om du har problem med att modellera din data baserad på fil i en delgraf!
Dessutom är det inte möjligt att skapa datakällor från en filbaserad datakälla, vare sig det är en datakälla på kedjan eller en annan filbaserad datakälla. Denna begränsning kan komma att hävas i framtiden.
Bästa praxis
Om du länkar NFT-metadata till motsvarande token, använd metadata IPFS-hash för att referera till en Metadata-entitet från Token-entiteten. Spara Metadata-entiteten med IPFS-hash som ID.
You can use DataSource context when creating File Data Sources to pass extra information which will be available to the File Data Source handler.
If you have entities which are refreshed multiple times, create unique file-based entities using the IPFS hash & the entity ID, and reference them using a derived field in the chain-based entity.
Vi arbetar med att förbättra rekommendationen ovan så att förfrågningar endast returnerar den “senaste” versionen
Kända problem
File data sources currently require ABIs, even though ABIs are not used (issue). Workaround is to add any ABI.
Handlers for File Data Sources cannot be in files which import eth_call
contract bindings, failing with “unknown import: ethereum::ethereum.call
has not been defined” (issue). Workaround is to create file data source handlers in a dedicated file.
Crypto Coven Subgraph migration
Indexed Argument Filters / Topic Filters
Requires: SpecVersion >= 1.2.0
Topic filters, also known as indexed argument filters, are a powerful feature in subgraphs that allow users to precisely filter blockchain events based on the values of their indexed arguments.
These filters help isolate specific events of interest from the vast stream of events on the blockchain, allowing subgraphs to operate more efficiently by focusing only on relevant data.
This is useful for creating personal subgraphs that track specific addresses and their interactions with various smart contracts on the blockchain.
How Topic Filters Work
When a smart contract emits an event, any arguments that are marked as indexed can be used as filters in a subgraph’s manifest. This allows the subgraph to listen selectively for events that match these indexed arguments.
- The event’s first indexed argument corresponds to
, the second totopic2
, and so on, up totopic3
, since the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) allows up to three indexed arguments per event.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.0;contract Token { // Event declaration with indexed parameters for addresses event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); // Function to simulate transferring tokens function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public { // Emitting the Transfer event with from, to, and value emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value); }}
In this example:
- The
event is used to log transactions of tokens between addresses. - The
parameters are indexed, allowing event listeners to filter and monitor transfers involving specific addresses. - The
function is a simple representation of a token transfer action, emitting the Transfer event whenever it is called.
Configuration in Subgraphs
Topic filters are defined directly within the event handler configuration in the subgraph manifest. Here is how they are configured:
eventHandlers: - event: SomeEvent(indexed uint256, indexed address, indexed uint256) handler: handleSomeEvent topic1: ['0xValue1', '0xValue2'] topic2: ['0xAddress1', '0xAddress2'] topic3: ['0xValue3']
In this setup:
corresponds to the first indexed argument of the event,topic2
to the second, andtopic3
to the third.- Each topic can have one or more values, and an event is only processed if it matches one of the values in each specified topic.
Filter Logic
- Within a Single Topic: The logic functions as an OR condition. The event will be processed if it matches any one of the listed values in a given topic.
- Between Different Topics: The logic functions as an AND condition. An event must satisfy all specified conditions across different topics to trigger the associated handler.
Example 1: Tracking Direct Transfers from Address A to Address B
eventHandlers: - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) handler: handleDirectedTransfer topic1: ['0xAddressA'] # Sender Address topic2: ['0xAddressB'] # Receiver Address
In this configuration:
is configured to filterTransfer
events where0xAddressA
is the sender.topic2
is configured to filterTransfer
events where0xAddressB
is the receiver.- The subgraph will only index transactions that occur directly from
Example 2: Tracking Transactions in Either Direction Between Two or More Addresses
eventHandlers: - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) handler: handleTransferToOrFrom topic1: ['0xAddressA', '0xAddressB', '0xAddressC'] # Sender Address topic2: ['0xAddressB', '0xAddressC'] # Receiver Address
In this configuration:
is configured to filterTransfer
events where0xAddressA
is the sender.topic2
is configured to filterTransfer
events where0xAddressB
is the receiver.- The subgraph will index transactions that occur in either direction between multiple addresses allowing for comprehensive monitoring of interactions involving all addresses.
Declared eth_call
Note: This is an experimental feature that is not currently available in a stable Graph Node release yet. You can only use it in Subgraph Studio or your self-hosted node.
Declarative eth_calls
are a valuable subgraph feature that allows eth_calls
to be executed ahead of time, enabling graph-node
to execute them in parallel.
This feature does the following:
- Significantly improves the performance of fetching data from the Ethereum blockchain by reducing the total time for multiple calls and optimizing the subgraph’s overall efficiency.
- Allows faster data fetching, resulting in quicker query responses and a better user experience.
- Reduces wait times for applications that need to aggregate data from multiple Ethereum calls, making the data retrieval process more efficient.
Key Concepts
- Declarative
: Ethereum calls that are defined to be executed in parallel rather than sequentially. - Parallel Execution: Instead of waiting for one call to finish before starting the next, multiple calls can be initiated simultaneously.
- Time Efficiency: The total time taken for all the calls changes from the sum of the individual call times (sequential) to the time taken by the longest call (parallel).
Scenario without Declarative eth_calls
Imagine you have a subgraph that needs to make three Ethereum calls to fetch data about a user’s transactions, balance, and token holdings.
Traditionally, these calls might be made sequentially:
- Call 1 (Transactions): Takes 3 seconds
- Call 2 (Balance): Takes 2 seconds
- Call 3 (Token Holdings): Takes 4 seconds
Total time taken = 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 seconds
Scenario with Declarative eth_calls
With this feature, you can declare these calls to be executed in parallel:
- Call 1 (Transactions): Takes 3 seconds
- Call 2 (Balance): Takes 2 seconds
- Call 3 (Token Holdings): Takes 4 seconds
Since these calls are executed in parallel, the total time taken is equal to the time taken by the longest call.
Total time taken = max (3, 2, 4) = 4 seconds
How it Works
- Declarative Definition: In the subgraph manifest, you declare the Ethereum calls in a way that indicates they can be executed in parallel.
- Parallel Execution Engine: The Graph Node’s execution engine recognizes these declarations and runs the calls simultaneously.
- Result Aggregation: Once all calls are complete, the results are aggregated and used by the subgraph for further processing.
Example Configuration in Subgraph Manifest
Declared eth_calls
can access the event.address
of the underlying event as well as all the event.params
using event.address
eventHandlers:event: Swap(indexed address,indexed address,int256,int256,uint160,uint128,int24)handler: handleSwapcalls: global0X128: Pool[event.address].feeGrowthGlobal0X128() global1X128: Pool[event.address].feeGrowthGlobal1X128()
Details for the example above:
is the declaredeth_call
.- The text (
) is the label for thiseth_call
which is used when logging errors. - The text (
) is the actualeth_call
that will be executed, which is in the form ofContract[address].function(arguments)
- The
can be replaced with variables that will be available when the handler is executed.
using event.params
calls: - ERC20DecimalsToken0: ERC20[event.params.token0].decimals()
Ympning på befintliga delgrafer
Note: it is not recommended to use grafting when initially upgrading to The Graph Network. Learn more here.
When a subgraph is first deployed, it starts indexing events at the genesis block of the corresponding chain (or at the startBlock
defined with each data source) In some circumstances; it is beneficial to reuse the data from an existing subgraph and start indexing at a much later block. This mode of indexing is called Grafting. Grafting is, for example, useful during development to get past simple errors in the mappings quickly or to temporarily get an existing subgraph working again after it has failed.
A subgraph is grafted onto a base subgraph when the subgraph manifest in subgraph.yaml
contains a graft
block at the top-level:
description: ...graft: base: Qm... # Subgraph ID of base subgraph block: 7345624 # Block number
When a subgraph whose manifest contains a graft
block is deployed, Graph Node will copy the data of the base
subgraph up to and including the given block
and then continue indexing the new subgraph from that block on. The base subgraph must exist on the target Graph Node instance and must have indexed up to at least the given block. Because of this restriction, grafting should only be used during development or during an emergency to speed up producing an equivalent non-grafted subgraph.
Eftersom ympning kopierar data istället för att indexera basdata går det mycket snabbare att få delgrafen till det önskade blocket än att indexera från början, även om den initiala datorkopieringen fortfarande kan ta flera timmar för mycket stora delgrafer. Medan den ympade delgrafen initialiseras kommer Graph Node att logga information om de entitetstyper som redan har kopierats.
Den ympade subgrafen kan använda ett GraphQL-schema som inte är identiskt med det i bas subgrafen, utan bara är kompatibelt med det. Det måste vara ett giltigt subgraf schema i sig, men kan avvika från bas undergrafens schema på följande sätt:
- Den lägger till eller tar bort entitetstyper
- Det tar bort attribut från entitetstyper
- Det tar bort attribut från entitetstyper
- Det förvandlar icke-nullbara attribut till nullbara attribut
- Det lägger till värden till enums
- Den lägger till eller tar bort gränssnitt
- Det ändrar för vilka entitetstyper ett gränssnitt implementeras
Feature Management: grafting
must be declared under features
in the subgraph manifest.