Graph网络 > 委托


Reading time: 8 min

Delegators are network participants who delegate (i.e., "stake") GRT to one or more Indexers. Delegators help secure the network without running a Graph Node themselves.

Delegators earn a portion of an Indexer's query fees and rewards by delegating to them. The amount of queries an Indexer can process depends on their own stake, the delegated stake, and the price the Indexer charges for each query. Therefore, the more stake that is allocated to an Indexer, the more potential queries they can process.



This guide will explain how to be an effective Delegator in the Graph Network. Delegators share the earnings of the protocol alongside all Indexers based on their delegated stake. A Delegator must use their best judgment to choose Indexers based on multiple factors. Please note this guide will not cover steps such as setting up Metamask properly, as that information is widely available on the internet.

There are three sections in this guide:

  • 在 Graph 网络中委托代币的风险
  • 如何计算作为委托人的预期回报
  • 展示在Graph 网络界面中进行委托步骤的视频指南







It is important to understand that every time you delegate, you will be charged 0.5%. This means that if you are delegating 1000 GRT, you will automatically burn 5 GRT.

In order to be safe, a Delegator should calculate their potential return when delegating to an Indexer. For example, a Delegator might calculate how many days it will take before they have earned back the 0.5% tax on their delegation.



Whenever a Delegator wants to undelegate, their tokens are subject to a 28-day unbonding period. This means they cannot transfer their tokens or earn any rewards for 28 days.

Another thing to consider is how to choose an Indexer wisely. If you choose an Indexer that is not trustworthy or not doing a good job, you will want to undelegate. This means you will be losing a lot of opportunities to earn rewards, which can be just as bad as burning GRT.




This is an important aspect to understand. First, let's discuss three very important values, which are the Delegation Parameters.

Indexing Reward Cut - The indexing reward cut is the portion of the rewards that the Indexer will keep for themselves. This means that if an Indexer's rewards are set to 100%, as a Delegator you will get 0 indexing rewards. If you see it set at 80% in the UI, that means as a Delegator, you will receive 20%. An important note - at the beginning of the network, Indexing Rewards will account for the majority of the rewards.

Indexing Reward Cut *上 面的索引人分给委托人 90% 的收益。 中间的给委托人 20%。 下面的给委托人约 83%。

  • Query Fee Cut - This works exactly like the Indexing Reward Cut. However, this applies explicitly to returns on the query fees the Indexer collects. It should be noted that at the start of the network, returns from query fees will be very small compared to the indexing reward. It is recommended that you pay attention to the network to determine when the query fees in the network will start to be more significant.

As you can see, in order to choose the right Indexer, you must consider multiple things. This is why we highly recommend exploring The Graph Discord to determine which Indexers have the best social and technical reputations and which reward Delegators consistently. Many of the Indexers are very active in Discord and will be happy to answer your questions. Many of them have been Indexing for months on the testnet, and they are doing their best to help Delegators earn a good return, as it improves the health and success of the network.



A Delegator must consider a lot of factors when determining the return. These include:

  • 有技术的委托人还可以查看索引人使用他们可用的委托代币的能力。 如果索引人没有分配所有可用的代币,他们就不会为自己或他们的委托人赚取最大利润。
  • Right now, in the network an Indexer can choose to close an allocation and collect rewards anytime between 1 and 28 days. So, it is possible that an Indexer might have a lot of rewards they still need to collect, and thus, their total rewards are low. This should be taken into consideration in the early days.



如上文所述,你应该选择一个在设置他们的查询费分成和索引奖励分成方面透明和诚实的索引人。 委托人还应该看一下参数冷却时间,看看他们有多少时间缓冲区。 做完这些之后,计算委托人会获得的奖励金额就相当简单了。 计算公式是:




委托人必须考虑的另一件事是他们拥有的委托池的比例。 所有的委托奖励都是平均分配的,根据委托人存入池子的数额来决定池子的简单再平衡。 这使委托人就拥有了委托池的份额:


Using this formula, we can see that it is possible for an Indexer offering only 20% to Delegators to actually provide a better reward than an Indexer giving 90%.

Therefore, a Delegator can do the math to determine that the Indexer offering 20% to Delegators is offering a better return.



另一个需要考虑的是委托容量。 目前,委托比例被设置为 16。 这意味着,如果一个索引人质押了100万GRT,他们的委托容量是 16,00万GRT 的委托代币,他们可以在协议中使用。 任何超过这个数量的委托代币将稀释所有的委托人奖励。

Imagine an Indexer with 100,000,000 GRT delegated to them, but their capacity is only 16,000,000 GRT. This means effectively, 84,000,000 GRT tokens are not being used to earn tokens. So, all the Delegators and the Indexer, are earning way less rewards than they could be.

Therefore, a Delegator should always consider the Delegation Capacity of an Indexer, and factor it into their decision making.





When I try to delegate my transaction in MetaMask, it appears as "Pending" or "Queued" for longer than expected. What should I do?

At times, attempts to delegate to indexers via MetaMask can fail and result in prolonged periods of "Pending" or "Queued" transaction attempts.

For example, a user may attempt to delegate with an insufficient gas fee relative to the current prices, resulting in the transaction attempt displaying as "Pending" in their MetaMask wallet for 15+ minutes. When this occurs, a user can attempt subsequent transactions, but these will only be processed until the initial transaction is mined, as transactions for an address must be processed in order. In such cases, these transactions can be cancelled in MetaMask, but the transactions attempts will accrue gas fees without any guarantee that subsequent attempts will be successful.

A simpler resolution to this bug is restarting the browser (e.g., using "abort:restart" in the address bar), which will cancel all previous attempts without gas being subtracted from the wallet. Several users who have encountered this issue have reported successful transactions after restarting their browser and attempting to delegate.



This video guide fully reviews this document and explains how to consider everything in it while interacting with the UI.

