Graph 浏览器
Reading time: 13 minutes
Unlock the world of subgraphs and network data with Graph Explorer.
Graph Explorer consists of multiple parts where you can interact with subgraphs, delegate, engage participants, view network information, and access your user profile.
Inside Explorer
The following is a breakdown of all the key features of Graph Explorer. For additional support, you can watch the Graph Explorer video guide.
Subgraphs Page
After deploying and publishing your subgraph in Subgraph Studio, go to Graph Explorer and click on the “Subgraphs” link in the navigation bar to access the following:
- Your own finished subgraphs
- Subgraphs published by others
- The exact subgraph you want (based on the date created, signal amount, or name).

When you click into a subgraph, you will be able to do the following:
Test queries in the playground and be able to leverage network details to make informed decisions.
Signal GRT on your own subgraph or the subgraphs of others to make indexers aware of its importance and quality.
- This is critical because signaling on a subgraph incentivizes it to be indexed, meaning it’ll eventually surface on the network to serve queries.

On each subgraph’s dedicated page, you can do the following:
- 子图上的信号/非信号
- 查看详细信息,例如图表、当前部署 ID 和其他元数据
- 切换版本以探索子图的历史迭代
- 通过 GraphQL 查询子图
- 在面板上测试子图
- 查看在某个子图上建立索引的索引人
- 子图统计信息(分配、策展人等)
- 查看发布子图的实体

Delegate Page
On the Delegate page, you can find information about delegating, acquiring GRT, and choosing an Indexer.
On this page, you can see the following:
- Indexers who collected the most query fees
- Indexers with the highest estimated APR
Additionally, you can calculate your ROI and search for top Indexers by name, address, or subgraph.
Participants Page
This page provides a bird’s-eye view of all “participants,” which includes everyone participating in the network, such as Indexers, Delegators, and Curators.
1. 索引人

Indexers are the backbone of the protocol. They stake on subgraphs, index them, and serve queries to anyone consuming subgraphs.
In the Indexers table, you can see an Indexers’ delegation parameters, their stake, how much they have staked to each subgraph, and how much revenue they have made from query fees and indexing rewards.
- Query Fee Cut - the % of the query fee rebates that the Indexer keeps when splitting with Delegators.
- Effective Reward Cut - the indexing reward cut applied to the delegation pool. If it’s negative, it means that the Indexer is giving away part of their rewards. If it’s positive, it means that the Indexer is keeping some of their rewards.
- Cooldown Remaining - the time remaining until the Indexer can change the above delegation parameters. Cooldown periods are set up by Indexers when they update their delegation parameters.
- Owned - This is the Indexer’s deposited stake, which may be slashed for malicious or incorrect behavior.
- Delegated - Stake from Delegators which can be allocated by the Indexer, but cannot be slashed.
- Allocated - Stake that Indexers are actively allocating towards the subgraphs they are indexing.
- Available Delegation Capacity - the amount of delegated stake the Indexers can still receive before they become over-delegated.
- 最大委托容量 - 索引人可以有效接受的最大委托份额数量。 超出的委托权益不能用于分配或奖励计算。
- Query Fees - this is the total fees that end users have paid for queries from an Indexer over all time.
- 索引人奖励 - 这是索引者及其委托者在所有时间获得的总索引人奖励。 索引人奖励通过 GRT 发行支付。
Indexers can earn both query fees and indexing rewards. Functionally, this happens when network participants delegate GRT to an Indexer. This enables Indexers to receive query fees and rewards depending on their Indexer parameters.
- Indexing parameters can be set by clicking on the right-hand side of the table or by going into an Indexer’s profile and clicking the “Delegate” button.
To learn more about how to become an Indexer, you can take a look at the official documentation or The Graph Academy Indexer guides.

2. 策展人
Curators analyze subgraphs to identify which subgraphs are of the highest quality. Once a Curator has found a potentially high-quality subgraph, they can curate it by signaling on its bonding curve. In doing so, Curators let Indexers know which subgraphs are high quality and should be indexed.
- Curators can be community members, data consumers, or even subgraph developers who signal on their own subgraphs by depositing GRT tokens into a bonding curve.
- By depositing GRT, Curators mint curation shares of a subgraph. As a result, they can earn a portion of the query fees generated by the subgraph they have signaled on.
- The bonding curve incentivizes Curators to curate the highest quality data sources.
In the The Curator table listed below you can see:
- 策展人开始策展的日期
- 已存入的 GRT 数量
- 策展人拥有的股份数量

If you want to learn more about the Curator role, you can do so by visiting official documentation. or The Graph Academy.
3. 委托人
Delegators play a key role in maintaining the security and decentralization of The Graph Network. They participate in the network by delegating (i.e., “staking”) GRT tokens to one or multiple indexers.
- Without Delegators, Indexers are less likely to earn significant rewards and fees. Therefore, Indexers attract Delegators by offering them a portion of their indexing rewards and query fees.
- Delegators select Indexers based on a number of different variables, such as past performance, indexing reward rates, and query fee cuts.
- Reputation within the community can also play a factor in the selection process. It’s recommended to connect with the selected Indexers via The Graph’s Discord or The Graph Forum.

In the Delegators table you can see the active Delegators in the community and important metrics:
- 委托人委托给的索引人数量
- A Delegator’s original delegation
- 协议中已经产生但没有提现的奖励
- 从协议中提取的已实现奖励
- 目前在协议中的 GRT 总量
- The date they last delegated
If you want to learn more about how to become a Delegator, check out the official documentation or The Graph Academy.
Network Page
On this page, you can see global KPIs and have the ability to switch to a per-epoch basis and analyze network metrics in more detail. These details will give you a sense of how the network is performing over time.
The overview section has both all the current network metrics and some cumulative metrics over time:
- 当前网络总份额
- 索引人和他们的委托人之间的份额分配
- 自网络成立以来的总供应量、铸造和消耗的 GRT
- 自协议成立以来的总索引奖励
- 协议参数,例如管理奖励、通货膨胀率等
- 当前时期奖励和费用
A few key details to note:
- Query fees represent the fees generated by the consumers. They can be claimed (or not) by the Indexers after a period of at least 7 epochs (see below) after their allocations towards the subgraphs have been closed and the data they served has been validated by the consumers.
- Indexing rewards represent the amount of rewards the Indexers claimed from the network issuance during the epoch. Although the protocol issuance is fixed, the rewards only get minted once Indexers close their allocations towards the subgraphs they’ve been indexing. So, the per-epoch number of rewards varies (ie. during some epochs, Indexers might’ve collectively closed allocations that have been open for many days).

- 时期开始或结束区块
- 在特定时期产生的查询费用和索引奖励
- 时期状态,指的是查询费用的收取和分配,可以有不同的状态:
- 活跃时期是索引人目前正在分配权益并收取查询费用的时期
- 稳定时期是状态通道正在稳定的时期。 这意味着如果消费者对他们提出争议,索引人将受到严厉惩罚。
- 分发时期是时期的状态通道正在结算的时期,索引人可以要求他们的查询费用回扣。
- The finalized epochs are the epochs that have no query fee rebates left to claim by the Indexers.

Your personal profile is the place where you can see your network activity, regardless of your role on the network. Your crypto wallet will act as your user profile, and with the User Dashboard, you’ll be able to see the following tabs:
In this section, you can view the following:
- Any of your current actions you’ve done.
- Your profile information, description, and website (if you added one).

In the Subgraphs tab, you’ll see your published subgraphs.
This will not include any subgraphs deployed with the CLI for testing purposes. Subgraphs will only show up when they are published to the decentralized network.

In the Indexing tab, you’ll find a table with all the active and historical allocations towards subgraphs. You will also find charts where you can see and analyze your past performance as an Indexer.
本节还将包括有关您的净索引人奖励和净查询费用的详细信息。 您将看到以下指标:
- 已委托份额 - 委托人的份额,您可以分配但不能被削减
- 总查询费用 - 用户在一段时间内为您提供的查询支付的总费用
- 索引人奖励- 您收到的索引人奖励总额,以 GRT 为单位
- 费用削减 - 当您与委托人拆分时,您将保留的查询费用回扣百分比
- 奖励削减 - 与委托人拆分时您将保留的索引人奖励的百分比
- 已拥有 - 您存入的股份,可能会因恶意或不正确的行为而被削减

Delegators are important to the Graph Network. They must use their knowledge to choose an Indexer that will provide a healthy return on rewards.
In the Delegators tab, you can find the details of your active and historical delegations, along with the metrics of the Indexers that you delegated towards.
在页面的前半部分,您可以看到您的委托图表,以及仅奖励图表。 在左侧,您可以看到反映您当前委托指标的 KPI。
- 总委托奖励
- 未实现的总奖励
- 已实现的总奖励
在页面的后半部分,您将看到委托标签。 在这里,您可以看到您委托给的索引人,以及它们的详细信息(例如奖励削减、冷却时间等)。

在策展选项卡中,您将找到您正在发送信号的所有子图(从而使您能够接收查询费用)。 信号允许策展人向索引人突出显示哪些子图有价值和值得信赖,从而表明它们需要被索引。
- 您正在管理的所有带有信号细节的子图
- 每个子图的共享总数
- 查询每个子图的奖励
- 更新日期详情

在您的用户配置文件中,您将能够管理您的个人配置文件详细信息(例如设置 ENS 名称)。 如果您是 索引人,则可以轻松访问更多设置。 在您的用户配置文件中,您将能够设置您的委托参数和操作员。
- 操作员代表索引人在协议中采取有限的操作,例如打开和关闭分配。 操作员通常是其他以太坊地址,与他们的抵押钱包分开,可以访问索引人可以亲自设置的网络。
- 委托参数允许您控制 GRT 在您和您的委托人之间的分配。

As your official portal into the world of decentralized data, Graph Explorer allows you to take a variety of actions, no matter your role in the network. You can get to your profile settings by opening the dropdown menu next to your address, then clicking on the Settings button.

Video Guide
For a general overview of Graph Explorer, check out the video below: