在 NEAR 上构建子图
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is a smart contract platform for building decentralized applications. Visit the for more information.
Graph 为开发人员提供了一种被称为子图的工具,利用这个工具,开发人员能够处理区块链事件,并通过 GraphQL API 提供结果数据。 现在能够处理 NEAR 事件,这意味着 NEAR 开发人员现在可以构建子图来索引他们的智能合约。
子图是基于事件的,这意味着子图可以侦听并处理链上事件。 NEAR 子图目前支持两种类型的处理程序:
- 区块处理器: 这些处理程序在每个新区块上运行。
- 收据处理器: 每次在指定账户上一个消息被执行时运行。
Receipt 是系统中唯一可操作的对象。 当我们在 NEAR 平台上谈论“处理交易”时,这最终意味着在某个时候“应用收据”。
NEAR 子图开发需要0.23.0
,以及 0.23.0
构建 NEAR 子图与构建索引以太坊的子图非常相似。
subgraph.yaml: 子图清单,定义感兴趣的数据源以及如何处理它们。 NEAR 是一种全新类型
schema.graphql: 一个模式文件,定义子图存储的数据以及如何通过 GraphQL 查询数据。NEAR 子图的要求已经在中介绍了。
AssemblyScript Mappings: that translates from the event data to the entities defined in your schema. NEAR support introduces NEAR-specific data types and new JSON parsing functionality.
$ graph codegen # 从清单中标识的模式文件生成类型$ graph build # 从 AssemblyScript 文件生成 Web Assembly,并在 /build 文件夹中准备所有子图文件
)标识子图的数据源、感兴趣的触发器以及响应这些触发器而运行的函数。 以下是一个 NEAR 的子图清单的例子:
specVersion: 0.0.2schema:file: ./src/schema.graphql # link to the schema filedataSources:- kind: nearnetwork: near-mainnetsource:account: app.good-morning.near # This data source will monitor this accountstartBlock: 10662188 # Required for NEARmapping:apiVersion: 0.0.5language: wasm/assemblyscriptblockHandlers:- handler: handleNewBlock # the function name in the mapping filereceiptHandlers:- handler: handleReceipt # the function name in the mapping filefile: ./src/mapping.ts # link to the file with the Assemblyscript mappings
- NEAR 子图引入了一种新的
)。 - The
should correspond to a network on the hosting Graph Node. On Subgraph Studio, NEAR's mainnet isnear-mainnet
, and NEAR's testnet isnear-testnet
- NEAR data sources introduce an optional
field, which is a human-readable ID corresponding to a . This can be an account or a sub-account. - NEAR 数据源引入了一个替代的可选
source. account
字段,其中包含可选的后缀和前缀。至少必须指定前缀或后缀,它们将分别与以值列表开始或结束的任何账户匹配。下面的例子将匹配:[ app | good]。* [ morning.near | morning.testnet]
accounts:prefixes:- app- goodsuffixes:- morning.near- morning.testnet
NEAR 数据源支持两种类型的处理程序:
:在每个新的 NEAR 区块上运行。 不需要source.account
: run on every receipt where the data source'ssource.account
is the recipient. Note that only exact matches are processed ( must be added as independent data sources).
NEAR indexing introduces NEAR-specific data types to the .
class ExecutionOutcome {gasBurnt: u64,blockHash: Bytes,id: Bytes,logs: Array<string>,receiptIds: Array<Bytes>,tokensBurnt: BigInt,executorId: string,}class ActionReceipt {predecessorId: string,receiverId: string,id: CryptoHash,signerId: string,gasPrice: BigInt,outputDataReceivers: Array<DataReceiver>,inputDataIds: Array<CryptoHash>,actions: Array<ActionValue>,}class BlockHeader {height: u64,prevHeight: u64,// Always zero when version < V3epochId: Bytes,nextEpochId: Bytes,chunksIncluded: u64,hash: Bytes,prevHash: Bytes,timestampNanosec: u64,randomValue: Bytes,gasPrice: BigInt,totalSupply: BigInt,latestProtocolVersion: u32,}class ChunkHeader {gasUsed: u64,gasLimit: u64,shardId: u64,chunkHash: Bytes,prevBlockHash: Bytes,balanceBurnt: BigInt,}class Block {author: string,header: BlockHeader,chunks: Array<ChunkHeader>,}class ReceiptWithOutcome {outcome: ExecutionOutcome,receipt: ActionReceipt,block: Block,}
这些类型被传递给区块 & 收据处理程序:
- 块处理程序将收到
- 收据处理程序将收到
Otherwise, the rest of the is available to NEAR subgraph developers during mapping execution.
This includes a new JSON parsing function - logs on NEAR are frequently emitted as stringified JSONs. A new json.fromString(...)
function is available as part of the to allow developers to easily process these logs.
构建子图后,就可以将其部署到 Graph节点以进行索引了。 NEAR 子图可以部署到任何图节点 >=v0.26.x
Subgraph Studio and the upgrade Indexer on The Graph Network currently supports indexing NEAR mainnet and testnet in beta, with the following network names:
More information on creating and deploying subgraphs on Subgraph Studio can be found .
As a quick primer - the first step is to "create" your subgraph - this only needs to be done once. On Subgraph Studio, this can be done from : "Create a subgraph".
创建子图后,您可以使用 graph deploy
CLI 命令部署子图:
$ graph create --node <graph-node-url> <subgraph-name> # creates a subgraph on a local Graph Node (on Subgraph Studio, this is done via the UI)$ graph deploy --node <graph-node-url> --ipfs https://api.thegraph.com/ipfs/ <subgraph-name> # uploads the build files to a specified IPFS endpoint, and then deploys the subgraph to a specified Graph Node based on the manifest IPFS hash
graph authgraph deploy <subgraph-name>
graph deploy --node http://localhost:8020/ --ipfs http://localhost:5001 <subgraph-name>
部署子图后,它将由 Graph节点索引。 您可以通过查询子图本身来检查其进度:
{_meta {block {number}}}
运行索引 NEAR 的 Graph节点有以下操作要求:
- 带有 Firehose 工具的 NEAR 索引人框架
- NEAR Firehose 组件
- 配置了 Firehose 端点的Graph节点
NEAR 子图的 GraphQL 端点由模式定义和现有的 API 接口决定。更多信息,请访问 。
Here are some example subgraphs for reference:
NEAR 支持处于测试阶段,这意味着随着我们继续致力于改进集成,API 可能会发生变化。 请发送电子邮件至 ,以便我们支持您构建 NEAR 子图,并让您了解最新进展!
目前,仅支持 Block 和 Receipt 触发器。 我们正在调查对指定帐户的函数调用的触发器。 一旦 NEAR 拥有原生事件支持,我们也对支持事件触发器感兴趣。
来匹配账户和子账户,例如,下面将匹配所有 mintbase1.near
accounts:suffixes:- mintbase1.near
这是不支持的。 我们正在评估索引是否需要此功能。
目前不支持此功能。 我们正在评估索引是否需要此功能。
NEAR 子图尚不支持挂起的功能。 在此期间,您可以将新版本部署到不同的“命名”子图,然后当它与链头同步时,您可以重新部署到您的主“命名”子图,它将使用相同的底层部署 ID,所以 主子图将立即同步。
If it is a general question about subgraph development, there is a lot more information in the rest of the . Otherwise please join and ask in the #near channel or email .