2 minutes
Querying Blockchain Data from Polymarket with Subgraphs on The Graph
Query Polymarket’s onchain data using GraphQL via Subgraphs on The Graph Network. Subgraphs are decentralized APIs powered by The Graph, a protocol for indexing & querying data from blockchains.
Polymarket Subgraph on Graph Explorer
You can see an interactive query playground on the Polymarket Subgraph’s page on The Graph Explorer, where you can test any query.

How to use the Visual Query Editor
The visual query editor helps you test sample queries from your Subgraph.
You can use the GraphiQL Explorer to compose your GraphQL queries by clicking on the fields you want.
Example Query: Get the top 5 highest payouts from Polymarket
{ redemptions(orderBy: payout, orderDirection: desc, first: 5) { payout redeemer id timestamp }}
Example output
{ "data": { "redemptions": [ { "id": "0x8fbb68b7c0cbe9aca6024d063a843a23d046b5522270fd25c6a81c511cf517d1_0x3b", "payout": "6274509531681", "redeemer": "0xfffe4013adfe325c6e02d36dc66e091f5476f52c", "timestamp": "1722929672" }, { "id": "0x2b2826448fcacde7931828cfcd3cc4aaeac8080fdff1e91363f0589c9b503eca_0x7", "payout": "2246253575996", "redeemer": "0xfffe4013adfe325c6e02d36dc66e091f5476f52c", "timestamp": "1726701528" }, { "id": "0x983b71c64b5075fc1179f4e03849af9c727be60de71c9e86e37ad0b3e43f9db9_0x26", "payout": "2135448291991", "redeemer": "0x5a181dcf3eb53a09fb32b20a5a9312fb8d26f689", "timestamp": "1704932625" }, { "id": "0x2b2826448fcacde7931828cfcd3cc4aaeac8080fdff1e91363f0589c9b503eca_0xa", "payout": "1917395333835", "redeemer": "0xfffe4013adfe325c6e02d36dc66e091f5476f52c", "timestamp": "1726701528" }, { "id": "0xfe82e117201f5169abc822281ccf0469e6b3740fcb4e799d1b599f83b8f11656_0x30", "payout": "1862505580000", "redeemer": "0xfffe4013adfe325c6e02d36dc66e091f5476f52c", "timestamp": "1722929866" } ] }}
Polymarket’s GraphQL Schema
The schema for this Subgraph is defined here in Polymarket’s GitHub.
Polymarket Subgraph Endpoint
The Polymarket Subgraph endpoint is available on Graph Explorer.

How to Get your own API Key
- Go to https://thegraph.com/studio and connect your wallet
- Go to https://thegraph.com/studio/apikeys/ to create an API key
You can use this API key on any Subgraph in Graph Explorer, and it’s not limited to just Polymarket.
100k queries per month are free which is perfect for your side project!
Additional Polymarket Subgraphs
How to Query with the API
You can pass any GraphQL query to the Polymarket endpoint and receive data in json format.
This following code example will return the exact same output as above.
Sample Code from node.js
const axios = require('axios');const graphqlQuery = `{ positions(first: 5) { condition outcomeIndex }};const queryUrl = 'https://gateway.thegraph.com/api/{api-key}/subgraphs/id/Bx1W4S7kDVxs9gC3s2G6DS8kdNBJNVhMviCtin2DiBp'const graphQLRequest = { method: 'post', url: queryUrl, data: { query: graphqlQuery, },};// Send the GraphQL queryaxios(graphQLRequest) .then((response) => { // Handle the response here const data = response.data.data console.log(data) }) .catch((error) => { // Handle any errors console.error(error); });
Additional resources
For more information about querying data from your Subgraph, read more here.
To explore all the ways you can optimize & customize your Subgraph for a better performance, read more about creating a Subgraph here.