Protocol Contracts
Below are the deployed contracts which power The Graph Network. Visit the official contracts repository to learn more.
This is the principal deployment of The Graph Network.
This was the original deployment of The Graph Network. Learn more about The Graph’s scaling with Arbitrum.
Arbitrum Sepolia
This is the primary testnet for The Graph Network. Testnet is predominantly used by core developers and ecosystem participants for testing purposes. There are no guarantees of service or availability on The Graph’s testnets.
Contract | Address |
GraphProxyAdmin | 0x7474a6cc5fAeDEc620Db0fa8E4da6eD58477042C |
Controller | 0x9DB3ee191681f092607035d9BDA6e59FbEaCa695 |
EpochManager | 0x88b3C7f37253bAA1A9b95feAd69bD5320585826D |
L2GraphToken | 0xf8c05dCF59E8B28BFD5eed176C562bEbcfc7Ac04 |
GraphCurationToken | 0x00FBd5D46FFAc54862c1Dd27BE08924BB17f5CDa |
ServiceRegistry | 0x888541878CbDDEd880Cd58c728f1Af5C47343F86 |
L2Curation | 0xDe761f075200E75485F4358978FB4d1dC8644FD5 |
SubgraphNFTDescriptor | 0x4032F7B6b27FfC9862106f826379DaB1716C71d7 |
SubgraphNFT | 0xF21Df5BbA7EB9b54D8F60C560aFb9bA63e6aED1A |
L2GNS | 0x3133948342F35b8699d8F94aeE064AbB76eDe965 |
StakingExtension | 0x05709dd705A5674346B7206a2bC657C8bAb3301B |
L2Staking | 0x865365C425f3A593Ffe698D9c4E6707D14d51e08 |
RewardsManager | 0x1F49caE7669086c8ba53CC35d1E9f80176d67E79 |
DisputeManager | 0x7C9B82717f9433932507dF6EdA93A9678b258698 |
AllocationExchange | 0x9BD4FBDa981D628AbA16F261f810dD59E5bAf9eA |
L2GraphTokenGateway | 0xB24Ce0f8c18c4DdDa584A7EeC132F49C966813bb |
EthereumDIDRegistry | 0xF5f4cA61481558709AFa94AdEDa7B5F180f4AD59 |