Scaling with Arbitrum > Preguntas frecuentes sobre Arbitrum

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Arbitrum

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¿Por qué The Graph está implementando una solución L2?

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Al escalar The Graph en L2, los participantes de la red pueden esperar:

  • Upwards of 26x savings on gas fees

  • Mayor velocidad de transacción

  • Security inherited from Ethereum

Scaling the protocol smart contracts onto L2 allows network participants to interact more frequently at a reduced cost in gas fees. For example, Indexers could open and close allocations to index a greater number of subgraphs with greater frequency, developers could deploy and update subgraphs with greater ease, Delegators could delegate GRT with increased frequency, and Curators could add or remove signal to a larger number of subgraphs–actions previously considered too cost-prohibitive to perform frequently due to gas.

The Graph community decided to move forward with Arbitrum last year after the outcome of the GIP-0031 discussion.

¿Qué debo hacer para usar The Graph en L2?

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Los usuarios realizan el bridge de su GRT y ETH mediante uno de los siguientes métodos:

Para aprovechar el uso de The Graph en L2, usa este conmutador desplegable para alternar entre cadenas.

Dropdown switcher to toggle Arbitrum

Como developer de subgrafos, consumidor de datos, Indexador, Curador o Delegador, ¿qué debo hacer ahora?

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There is no immediate action required, however, network participants are encouraged to begin moving to Arbitrum to take advantage of the benefits of L2.

Core developer teams are working to create L2 transfer tools that will make it significantly easier to move delegation, curation, and subgraphs to Arbitrum. Network participants can expect L2 transfer tools to be available by summer of 2023.

A partir del 10 de abril de 2023, el 5% de todas las recompensas de indexación se están generando en Arbitrum. A medida que aumenta la participación en la red, y según lo apruebe el Council, las recompensas de indexación se desplazarán gradualmente de Ethereum a Arbitrum, moviéndose eventualmente por completo a Arbitrum.

Si me gustaría participar en la red en L2, ¿qué debo hacer?

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Please help test the network on L2 and report feedback about your experience in Discord.

¿Existe algún riesgo asociado con escalar la red a L2?

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All smart contracts have been thoroughly audited.

Everything has been tested thoroughly, and a contingency plan is in place to ensure a safe and seamless transition. Details can be found here.

¿Seguirán funcionando los subgrafos existentes en Ethereum?

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Sí, los contratos de The Graph Network operarán en paralelo tanto en Ethereum como en Arbitrum hasta que pasen completamente a Arbitrum en una fecha posterior.

¿GRT tendrá un nuevo contrato inteligente implementado en Arbitrum?

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Yes, GRT has an additional smart contract on Arbitrum. However, the Ethereum mainnet GRT contract will remain operational.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre facturación en Arbitrum

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¿Qué debo hacer con el GRT en mi saldo de facturación?

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¡Nada! Tu GRT se ha migrado de forma segura a Arbitrum y se está utilizando para pagar consultas mientras lees esto.

¿Cómo sé que mis fondos han migrado de forma segura a Arbitrum?

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All GRT billing balances have already been successfully migrated to Arbitrum. You can view the billing contract on Arbitrum here.

¿Cómo sé que el bridge Arbitrum es seguro?

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The bridge has been heavily audited to ensure safety and security for all users.

¿Qué debo hacer si agrego GRT fresco de mi billetera mainnet de Ethereum?

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Adding GRT to your Arbitrum billing balance can be done with a one-click experience in Subgraph Studio. You'll be able to easily bridge your GRT to Arbitrum and fill your API keys in one transaction.

Visit the Billing page for more detailed instructions on adding, withdrawing, or acquiring GRT.

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L2 Transfer Tools FAQ
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