Archived > Scaling with Arbitrum > Arbitrum FAQ

Arbitrum FAQ

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Arbitrum Billing FAQ にスキップしたい場合はhere をクリックしてください。

Why did The Graph implement an L2 Solution?


By scaling The Graph on L2, network participants can now benefit from:

  • ガス料金を 26 倍以上節約

  • 取引スピードの高速化

  • イーサリアムから継承したセキュリティ

Scaling the protocol smart contracts onto L2 allows network participants to interact more frequently at a reduced cost in gas fees. For example, Indexers can open and close allocations more frequently to index a greater number of subgraphs. Developers can deploy and update subgraphs more easily, and Delegators can delegate GRT more frequently. Curators can add or remove signal to a larger number of subgraphs–actions previously considered too cost-prohibitive to perform frequently due to gas.

Graph コミュニティは、GIP-0031 の議論の結果を受けて、昨年 Arbitrum を進めることを決定しました。

The Graph on L2を利用するために必要なことは何ですか?


The Graph’s billing system accepts GRT on Arbitrum, and users will need ETH on Arbitrum to pay their gas. While The Graph protocol started on Ethereum Mainnet, all activity, including the billing contracts, is now on Arbitrum One.

Consequently, to pay for queries, you need GRT on Arbitrum. Here are a few different ways to achieve this:

  • If you already have GRT on Ethereum, you can bridge it to Arbitrum. You can do this via the GRT bridging option provided in Subgraph Studio or by using one of the following bridges:

  • If you have other assets on Arbitrum, you can swap them for GRT through a swapping protocol like Uniswap.

  • Alternatively, you can acquire GRT directly on Arbitrum through a decentralized exchange.

Once you have GRT on Arbitrum, you can add it to your billing balance.

L2でのThe Graphの活用には、このドロップダウンスイッチャーを使用して、チェーンを切り替えてください。

Arbitrum を切り替えるドロップダウン スイッチャー



Network participants must move to Arbitrum to continue participating in The Graph Network. Please refer to L2 Transfer Tool Guide for additional support.

All indexing rewards are now entirely on Arbitrum.

Were there any risks associated with scaling the network to L2?


All smart contracts have been thoroughly audited.


Are existing subgraphs on Ethereum working?


All subgraphs are now on Arbitrum. Please refer to L2 Transfer Tool Guide to ensure your subgraphs operate seamlessly.

Does GRT have a new smart contract deployed on Arbitrum?


はい、GRT には追加の Arbitrum 上のスマート コントラクト があります。ただし、イーサリアムのメインネット GRT 契約 は引き続き運用されます。








すべての GRT 請求残高はすでに Arbitrum に正常に移行されています。請求契約は Arbitrum here でご覧いただけます。



すべてのユーザーの安全とセキュリティを確保するために、ブリッジは 厳重な監査 を受けています。



Arbitrum 請求残高への GRT の追加は、Subgraph Studio でワンクリックで行うことができます。 GRT を Arbitrum に簡単にブリッジし、1 回のトランザクションで API キーを入力できるようになります。

Visit the Billing page for more detailed instructions on adding, withdrawing, or acquiring GRT.


Post-Sunrise Upgrade FAQ
L2 転送ツールに関するよくある質問