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Substreams is a powerful blockchain indexing technology developed for The Graph Network. It enables developers to write Rust modules, compose data streams alongside the community, and provide extremely high-performance indexing due to parallelization in a streaming-first approach.
With Substreams, developers can quickly extract data from different blockchains (Ethereum, BNB, Solana, ect.) and send it to various locations of their choice, such as a Postgres database, a Mongo database, or a Subgraph. Additionally, Substreams packages enable developers to specify which data they want to extract from the blockchain.
- **ブロックチェーンのデータに適用したい変換を定義したRustプログラムを記述します。**例えば、以下のRust関数はイーサリアムのブロックから関連情報(番号、ハッシュ、親ハッシュ)を抽出します。
fn get_my_block(blk: Block) -> Result<MyBlock, substreams::errors::Error> {let header = blk.header.as_ref().unwrap();Ok(MyBlock {number: blk.number,hash: Hex::encode(&blk.hash),parent_hash: Hex::encode(&header.parent_hash),})}
WASMコンテナは実行のためにSubstreamsエンドポイントに送られます。 SubstreamsプロバイダはWASMコンテナにブロックチェーンデータを送り、変換が適用されます。
You select a , a place where you want to send the transformed data (a Postgres database or a Subgraph, for example).
To learn about the latest version of Substreams CLI, which enables developers to bootstrap a Substreams project without any code, please check .