
Sunrise Upgrade Program

Anyone on the internet can join and help revolutionize how the world accesses data via The Graph – while earning rewards from a pool of 4 Million GRT in the process.

Your data. Your autonomy.

Centralized SaaS companies and giants of the legacy web want to control data – join The Graph and free yourself and others from monopolies.

Complete missions. Earn GRT.

Missions are both non-technical and technical, ranging from contributions to The Graph Network and creating helpful content.

Sunrise to the occasion.

Missions encompass a broad scope of skills including marketing, writing, using The Graph, creative design, engineering and beyond.

Program and rules

If you want to join the mission of unleashing web3’s potential and making autonomy over data the new normal, register now to participate in missions and confirm your eligibility for rewards.

Pro tip: Participants completing missions earlier are able to earn a larger amount of the reward pool.

How can you participate?

After filling out the registration form, you’ll receive emails on a recurring basis between May 3, 2024 and June 20, 2024. The Sunrise Upgrade Program concludes on June 20th, 8 days after the Upgrade Window officially closes. Each email will contain a variety of missions that can be completed (mix and match as many as you like) in order to become eligible for each mission’s rewards allotment. Missions are broken down into the following two categories:

  • Web3 Visionary Track

    Unleash your ecosystem growth powers as well as creative energy, completing missions that educate the world about The Graph Network and its users, including but not limited to: educational thought pieces on the value of data autonomy, blog posts around upgrading, growing The Graph community through partnerships, helping with upgrades to the decentralized network and Sunrise support, creating fun videos, designing dank yet informative memes, crafting social media content tagged with #GraphRising, and producing other creative content across all social channels that showcases the mission and values of The Graph Network.

  • Web3 Builder Track

    Champion self-sovereignty over data and complete missions including but not limited to: upgrading subgraphs from the hosted service to The Graph Network, helping others upgrade, querying existing subgraphs on the network, assisting others with making their first queries on the network, sharing useful example queries, and creating example code that queries The Graph Network.

Sunrise Upgrade Program Rules and Eligibility

  • Individuals interested in participating in the program must sign up by filling out the registration form to receive mission onboarding details.
  • Submissions deemed deceitful, fraudulent, low-effort, or plagiarized will be disqualified. Dishonest and suspicious behavior is strictly zero-tolerance and will result in a ban and disqualification from program participation.
  • Participants must have integrity and be aligned to the values of The Graph and the decentralized internet.
  • Full-time core dev team members and members of The Graph Foundation are not eligible to earn GRT via this program, but are still welcome to participate.
  • Please read the Terms and Conditions for additional eligibility restrictions.
  • Review the Estimated Rewards table for more information on estimated reward ranges per mission track and category.

Stay safe

  • Only click on Mission Submission Forms in emails from [email protected].
  • The Graph will never post Mission Submission Forms anywhere other than through email.
  • The Graph will never ask you for your seed phrase and any invitation to participate in rewards programs on Twitter, Discord, Telegram or other platforms should be treated with extreme caution.

Program Resources:

Estimated RewardsTerms and Conditions#GraphRising