
How The Graph is Governed

Protocol upgrades and the community treasury are overseen by The Graph Council, with support from The Graph Foundation, core contributors and the community. The Graph AdvocatesDAO oversees the Advocates Program and community grants.

The Graph CouncilGraph AdvocatesDAOThe Graph Foundation

The Graph Council

The Graph Council governs technical upgrades and the community treasury to support The Graph protocol development and ecosystem growth. The Council follows a governance process and votes on Graph Improvement Proposals (GIPs), including technical upgrades and the core development roadmap, and oversees the community treasury in collaboration with The Graph Foundation. The Council represents five stakeholder groups in The Graph ecosystem: Indexers, Users, Researchers, Supporters and Core Developers.

  • Photo of Alexandre Bourget

    Core Developer

    Alexandre Bourget


  • Photo of Yondon Fu


    Yondon Fu


  • Photo of Adam Fuller

    Core Developer

    Adam Fuller

    Edge & Node

  • Photo of Julien Genestoux


    Julien Genestoux

    Unlock Protocol

  • Photo of Mable Jiang


    Mable Jiang


  • User

    Sebastian Lorenz

    Enzyme Protocol

  • Photo of Gary Morris


    Gary Morris

    Staking Facilities

  • Photo of Spencer Noon


    Spencer Noon

    Variant Fund

  • Photo of Santiago Palladino


    Santiago Palladino


  • Photo of Brandon Ramirez


    Brandon Ramirez

    Edge & Node

  • Photo of Yaniv Tal


    Yaniv Tal

    Edge & Node

  • Photo of Chris Wessels


    Chris Wessels


Graph Advocates­DAO

The Graph AdvocatesDAO is the community governing body that oversees membership and contributions of the Graph Advocates and community grants in The Graph ecosystem. The DAO’s mission is to drive greater participation in building a decentralized web3 and grow The Graph ecosystem by supporting community-based initiatives and contributions of Graph Advocates. Visit the DAO page, review the DAO governance process, or get involved in the community.

Diagram of The Graph AdvocatesDAO’s activities. On one side, the DAO accepts new Advocates and funds the Advocates Program. On the other side, the DAO reviews grant applications and funds Community Grants.Diagram of The Graph AdvocatesDAO’s activities. On one side, the DAO accepts new Advocates and funds the Advocates Program. On the other side, the DAO reviews grant applications and funds Community Grants.
Become an Advocate

The Graph Foundation

The Graph Foundation supports core contributors, enables community development, distributing grants, and leads decentralization efforts. The Foundation's mandate is to develop and grow the ecosystem to ensure the sustainability of The Graph Network. Contact us to get in touch.


There are many ways to get involved in The Graph’s governance. Whether you're an engineer, a creative or business mind - anyone is welcome to contribute to governing the protocol and community efforts.

Technical Governance Process

The Protocol Governance process was formally introduced with GIP-0001 and further described in this blog. The below chart provides a practical overview of how a proposal moves through the Protocol Governance process and what community members should expect at each stage.

Diagram of The Graph Protocol Governance Process, with stages: Proposal Created, Forum Discussions, Community Voting, Council Approval, and Implementation.