Scaling with Arbitrum > Arbitrum FAQ

Arbitrum FAQ

Reading time: 4 min

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Why is The Graph implementing an L2 Solution?

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By scaling The Graph on L2, network participants can expect:

  • Upwards of 26x savings on gas fees

  • Faster transaction speed

  • Security inherited from Ethereum

Scaling the protocol smart contracts onto L2 allows network participants to interact more frequently at a reduced cost in gas fees. For example, Indexers could open and close allocations to index a greater number of subgraphs with greater frequency, developers could deploy and update subgraphs with greater ease, Delegators could delegate GRT with increased frequency, and Curators could add or remove signal to a larger number of subgraphs–actions previously considered too cost-prohibitive to perform frequently due to gas.

The Graph community decided to move forward with Arbitrum last year after the outcome of the GIP-0031 discussion.

What do I need to do to use The Graph on L2?

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The Graph’s billing system accepts GRT on Arbitrum, and users will need ETH on Arbitrum to pay their gas. While The Graph protocol started on Ethereum Mainnet, all activity, including the billing contracts, is now on Arbitrum One.

Consequently, to pay for queries, you need GRT on Arbitrum. Here are a few different ways to achieve this:

  • If you already have GRT on Ethereum, you can bridge it to Arbitrum. You can do this via the GRT bridging option provided in Subgraph Studio or by using one of the following bridges:

  • If you have other assets on Arbitrum, you can swap them for GRT through a swapping protocol like Uniswap.

  • Alternatively, you can acquire GRT directly on Arbitrum through a decentralized exchange.

Once you have GRT on Arbitrum, you can add it to your billing balance.

To take advantage of using The Graph on L2, use this dropdown switcher to toggle between chains.

Dropdown switcher to toggle Arbitrum

As a subgraph developer, data consumer, Indexer, Curator, or Delegator, what do I need to do now?

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There is no immediate action required, however, network participants are encouraged to begin moving to Arbitrum to take advantage of the benefits of L2.

Core developer teams are working to create L2 transfer tools that will make it significantly easier to move delegation, curation, and subgraphs to Arbitrum. Network participants can expect L2 transfer tools to be available by summer of 2023.

As of April 10th, 2023, 5% of all indexing rewards are being minted on Arbitrum. As network participation increases, and as the Council approves it, indexing rewards will gradually shift from Ethereum to Arbitrum, eventually moving entirely to Arbitrum.

If I would like to participate in the network on L2, what should I do?

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Please help test the network on L2 and report feedback about your experience in Discord.

Are there any risks associated with scaling the network to L2?

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All smart contracts have been thoroughly audited.

Everything has been tested thoroughly, and a contingency plan is in place to ensure a safe and seamless transition. Details can be found here.

Will existing subgraphs on Ethereum continue to work?

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Yes, The Graph Network contracts will operate in parallel on both Ethereum and Arbitrum until moving fully to Arbitrum at a later date.

Will GRT have a new smart contract deployed on Arbitrum?

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Yes, GRT has an additional smart contract on Arbitrum. However, the Ethereum mainnet GRT contract will remain operational.

Billing on Arbitrum FAQs

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What do I need to do about the GRT in my billing balance?

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Nothing! Your GRT has been securely migrated to Arbitrum and is being used to pay for queries as you read this.

How do I know my funds have migrated securely to Arbitrum?

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All GRT billing balances have already been successfully migrated to Arbitrum. You can view the billing contract on Arbitrum here.

How do I know the Arbitrum bridge is secure?

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The bridge has been heavily audited to ensure safety and security for all users.

What do I need to do if I'm adding fresh GRT from my Ethereum mainnet wallet?

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Adding GRT to your Arbitrum billing balance can be done with a one-click experience in Subgraph Studio. You'll be able to easily bridge your GRT to Arbitrum and fill your API keys in one transaction.

Visit the Billing page for more detailed instructions on adding, withdrawing, or acquiring GRT.

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L2 Transfer Tools FAQ
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