subgraphs > Developing > Managing > Transferring a Subgraph

Transferring a Subgraph

Reading time: 1 min

Subgraphs published to the decentralized network have an NFT minted to the address that published the subgraph. The NFT is based on a standard ERC721, which facilitates transfers between accounts on The Graph Network.


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  • Whoever owns the NFT controls the subgraph.
  • If the owner decides to sell or transfer the NFT, they will no longer be able to edit or update that subgraph on the network.
  • You can easily move control of a subgraph to a multi-sig.
  • A community member can create a subgraph on behalf of a DAO.

View Your Subgraph as an NFT

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To view your subgraph as an NFT, you can visit an NFT marketplace like OpenSea:

Or a wallet explorer like


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To transfer ownership of a subgraph, do the following:

  1. Use the UI built into Subgraph Studio:

    Subgraph Ownership Transfer

  2. Choose the address that you would like to transfer the subgraph to:

    Subgraph Ownership Transfer

Optionally, you can also use the built-in UI of NFT marketplaces like OpenSea:

Subgraph Ownership Transfer from NFT marketplace

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Publishing a Subgraph to the Decentralized Network
Deleting a Subgraph
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