substreams > Publishing

Publishing a Substreams Package

Reading time: 1 min

Learn how to publish a Substreams package to the Substreams Registry.


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What is a package?

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A Substreams package is a precompiled binary file that defines the specific data you want to extract from the blockchain, similar to the mapping.ts file in traditional subgraphs.

Publish a Package

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  • You must have the Substreams CLI installed.
  • You must have a Substreams package (.spkg) that you want to publish.

Step 1: Run the substreams publish Command

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  1. In a command-line terminal, run substreams publish <YOUR-PACKAGE>.spkg.

  2. If you do not have a token set in your computer, navigate to

get token

Step 2: Get a Token in the Substreams Registry

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  1. In the Substreams Registry, log in with your GitHub account.

  2. Create a new token and copy it in a safe location.

new token

Step 3: Authenticate in the Substreams CLI

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  1. Back in the Substreams CLI, paste the previously generated token.

paste token

  1. Lastly, confirm that you want to publish the package.


That's it! You have succesfully published a package in the Substreams registry.


Additional Resources

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Visit Substreams to explore a growing collection of ready-to-use Substreams packages across various blockchain networks.

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