
Learn about The Graph

The Graph makes blockchain data easily accessible. Learn about The Graph and how to participate in the incentivized data economy for web3.

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Space man
Space man
Space man
Space man
Space man

Getting Started

Start with the basics about The Graph, web3 and how subgraphs are used in the development stack. Learn about how open source subgraphs empower web3.

Go Deeper

The Graph is a network that organizes blockchain data with subgraphs - open source APIs built by the community. Subgraphs are high-quality, accurate and complex to serve all web3 data needs.

Subgraphs are used to retrieve blockchain data from the network of Indexers, Curators and Delegators that serve data to subgraph users. Learn how to participate in the network and contribute to the ecosystem.

  • How to become a Delegator

    Delegate to an Indexer by staking GRT in the network

    Learn more
  • How to become an Indexer

    Launch an Indexer node on The Graph Network

    Learn more
  • Subgraph Best Practices

    Gain tips, tricks & standards of subgraph development

    Learn more
  • Migrating Your Subgraphs

    Migrate and publish a subgraph to the network

    Learn more
  • Become an Advocate

    Apply to be an Advocate and join the AdvocatesDAO

    Learn more
  • Learn How to Curate

    Get started with curating subgraphs by staking GRT

    Learn more
  • Join Core Dev Calls

    Stay updated on the protocol with the monthly core dev calls

    Learn more
  • Check out GIPs

    Review Graph Improvement Proposals for the protocol

    Learn more

Learning Resources

Check out learning resources developed by The Graph community to help you get involved.

Courses & Bootcamps

Take your learning to another level with a course or bootcamp focused on building in The Graph.

  • The Graph Academy

    Subgraph Developer Course & Certification

  • freeCodeCamp

    Blockchain Development: Querying with Open APIs Course

  • LearnWeb3 DAO

    Coming Soon

  • OdysseyDAO

    Coming Soon


Dive into data and analytics about The Graph to help you participate in the network.

  • Stake Machine

    Dashboard about network stats & participation

  • Graphscan

    Data & activity about network participants

Community Tooling

Use tooling developed by the community to make it easier to contribute to The Graph.

  • Curation Station

    Community to bootstrap curation

  • The Index Podcast

    Podcast sharing insights about web3

  • Indexer Office Hours

    Bi-weekly Indexer community support