
The Graph Foundation Allocates $1.72M in Wave 4 Grants

It’s an exciting time for those contributing towards the development of web3! Last year, The Graph Foundation allocated over $9 million to over 100 grantees in Waves 1, 2, and 3. The Graph Foundation also welcomed 4 new core developer teams - in addition to StreamingFast and Figment, the community welcomed The Guild and Semiotic AI, to focus on core development on the protocol. For Wave 4, The Graph Foundation is excited to distribute over $1.7M to over 30 grantees to continue improving upon The Graph protocol, support dapps building with subgraphs, and grow the community.

As the Foundation continues to onboard new grantees, community members have been applying to help grow the ecosystem with community initiatives, build tools to make it easier for users to participate and deploy subgraphs on The Graph Network, or further improve the protocol.

Given the importance of a robust and decentralized community of contributors, grant applicants are encouraged to think about how the community and network participants will utilize their ideas and contribution for the overall betterment of the protocol. The most successful grants are ones that receive input and feedback across The Graph Forum or other social channels, where anyone can post ideas to understand the community’s sentiment and needs, ultimately crafting a stronger application and helping a grantee succeed.

If you have ideas for Wave 5 make sure to apply for a grant - the application portal is always open!

Wave 4 Grants

Grant applicants came from Colombia, Brazil, Korea, Poland, Portugal, Canada, Japan, the US and more. Each applicant was assessed based on the project’s expected impact, community feedback, relative significance and urgency in the ecosystem. All grants are paid in GRT to be used in the The Graph Network and participate in web3.

Read the detailed descriptions for Wave 4 grants here and check out highlights below:

Protocol Infrastructure ~$906K

  • Curation and Delegation R&D - Prysm Group ($700K)
  • Protocol Audit - ConsenSys Diligence ($102K)
  • Postgres Consulting and Optimizations - Cybertec ($31K)
  • Postgres Consulting - Credativ ($7.5K)
  • Multi-blockchain Integration - ChainSafe ($66K)

Tooling ~$305K

  • Daily Rewards Report - Konstantin Zaitcev ($10K)
  • Subgraph Development Tooling - Limechain ($248K)
  • GraphQL Code Generator - Synthetix ($35K)
  • Cheerbot - Kyle, Dhruv ($12.5K)

Dapps and Subgraphs ~$310K

Community Building ~$192K

  • Podcast - GRTiQ ($30K)
  • Podcast - The Index Podcast ($22.5K)
  • Community Building - Graphtronauts ($37K)
  • Subgraph Developer & Technical Support - Jerry Zhang ($7.5K)
  • SheHacks ($2.5K)
  • Web2 to Web3 Education - Camila Ramos ($5K)
  • TRUST Graphic Novel and Motion Comic ($4K)
  • ETHDenver ($39K)
  • EthCC ($22.6K)
  • NEAR Hackathon ($9K)
  • NFT Hack ($13.5K)

Applications were reviewed by Graph Domain Experts - members of the community, the Council, the Foundation, core developer teams and other builders.

If you did not receive a grant in any of the past waves, don’t fret! Applications are always open and welcome, make sure to include as much detail as possible! Learn more about the Grants Program here, core protocol development opportunities here, as well as continuous RFPs that will be posted here. The Foundation looks forward to seeing grantees succeed, and is evermore hopeful for what’s yet to come in Wave 5.

Core Developer Grants

Congratulations to Semiotic AI and The Guild for being awarded grants to contribute as core protocol developers. To learn more about the grants, check out the announcements around Semiotic and The Guild. The Graph ecosystem now has 5 full-time teams dedicated to research and development on the protocol. Read more on updates to the core dev grant process here.

Make sure to also join the monthly Core Dev calls on the first Tuesday of each month and tune into Indexer Office Hours weekly in the Discord. More information can also be found on The Graph Forum.

What’s Next

Feedback for tooling recommendations, useful dapps and gaps in subgraphs across the decentralized web is always highly appreciated. If you have any other ideas, feel free to post on The Graph Forum to share and stay up to date with highlights by following @GraphGrants on Twitter.

The community has been engaging with Curation since its launch, in addition to the launch of two new products earlier this summer: Graph Explorer and Subgraph Studio! Read about how you can get involved as a Curator or Subgraph Developer.

Wave 4 just ended and things are already ramping up for Wave 5! The Foundation will continue to prioritize the categories mentioned above, however, more contributions around the following are encouraged:

  • Multi-blockchain expansion support, tooling & educational materials
  • Node and API improvementsIndexer Tooling & Devex
  • Subgraph tooling
  • Web3 dapps and subgraphs
  • Protocol development support
  • L1 blockchain node optimizations
  • Subgraph development guides & tutorials
  • Educational content and curriculum development
  • Memes

While the grants process currently includes many Domain Experts, the Foundation is also exploring ways to enable more direct community participation in funding decision making. Look out for more news on how the community can get involved!

In the interim between applying for your next grant, there are many additional ways to get involved with The Graph Network. You can become a Delegator, Indexer, Curator, build subgraphs, vote on upcoming governance proposals.The options are diverse. If there are any projects you admire in the web3 space that are not using subgraphs, we encourage you to let them know to use subgraphs.

Don’t forget! Anyone is eligible to apply for a grant with any idea around the Community, Dapps, Subgraphs, Tooling or Protocol improvements here, or take on a call from the ecosystem by looking through the range of RFPs here.

About The Graph

The Graph is the source of data and information for the decentralized internet. As the original decentralized data marketplace that introduced and standardized subgraphs, The Graph has become web3’s method of indexing and accessing blockchain data. Since its launch in 2018, tens of thousands of developers have built subgraphs for dapps across 90+ blockchains - including  Ethereum, Solana, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Polygon, Celo, Fantom, Gnosis, and Avalanche.

Discover more about how The Graph is shaping the future of decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN) and stay connected with the community. Follow The Graph on X, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Farcaster and Medium. Join the community on The Graph’s Telegram, join technical discussions on The Graph’s Discord.

The Graph Foundation oversees The Graph Network. The Graph Foundation is overseen by the Technical Council. Edge & Node, StreamingFast, Semiotic Labs, Messari, GraphOps, Pinax and Geo are seven of the many organizations within The Graph ecosystem.

January 27, 2022

The Graph Foundation